Rob's Journal

Saturday, October 20, 2001..... Morning duty meant being in the halls of North Rowan by 7 this past week. The rotation finds me doing lunch duty this coming week... It was a long day on Mon as we had PTA from 6-8. The task at hand was to meet the parents and to hand out the first quarter report cards. I had no one to show... Afterschool workshops this past week and the week to come covering the tenth grade writing test and the legal guidelines of the Exceptional Children's program...I caught the letter to the editor in the Winston-Salem Journal this past week from the principal at West Forsyth High. It's good to know that he's happy and proud of his staff there...Wed afternoon, as I left campus, my '95 Thunderbird wasn't driving right. The shaking and sputtering told me that it needed to be checked. The car went to the mechanic the next morning, where it remains with the hood propped up. Meanwhile, I'm feeling deja vu as I drive my dad's Blazer to and from North Rowan. (several years ago, I drove an '87 Blazer...for awhile).... I went window-shopping for a car this afternoon. The Thunderbird, with 183,000-plus miles on it, may or may not make it back on the road. After looking, I've found three cars which I definitely want to test drive: the 2002 Chevrolet Cavalier, the 2002 Toyota Corolla and my favorite, the 2002 Dodge Stratus SE... preferably in black... Hope life for you these days is good... :) ....thanks for being with me here @ David Roberson . Com.

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