Rob's Journal

Wednesday Night, August 22, 2001....... School is going well; I'm still trying to adjust to the drive again. It's not as long for me now, though, as I can be at North Rowan in 40 minutes where it takes me an hour to get to South. It is good to be back in Rowan County. The North population is totally different from that of South. Because it's a new school for me and for my students and the staff, every day is a new adventure. So far, things are going well.... This afternoon, on the way home, I passed a Rowan/ Salisbury bus, from South, bound for Winson-Salem, to play a game. That brought back memories. A few years ago, I used to bring the South tennis team to Winston-Salem to compete, only to take them home and then drive back into Forsyth county myself, sometimes as late as 9 or 10 pm..... This past Saturday, I had the day to myself. Somewhere along the way, I remembered those Saturday morning crew calls at East Forsyth for the past two years, and was very grateful that those days are behind me.... Finding time for myself is a priority this year, and one of the reasons for the job change.... This past weekend, I went to the Gateway store in Winston-Salem. I'm looking at a Solo 5300 CL Notebook. I plan to go online to Dell and, as my friend Gary says, compare apples to oranges to see who can give me the better deal. The Gateway model features a 14.1 " screen, 128 MB of SDRAM, a 900 MHz Intel Pentium Processor, a 20 GB hard drive and a DVD ROM drive...and, oh, yes, the ISP is AOL, which means I could finally connect with some of you using Instant Messenger.... I'll keep you posted, but my goal is to order so that I will have the laptop around Labor Day.... a quick check of traffic shows that David Roberson/ Wrestling Bodyslam is reaching more people now than we have in awhile, from places like Virginia, Texas, California, New York and Toronto, in addition to Salisbury, Kannapolis, Greensboro and Charlotte in North Carolina. Wherever you are, whoever you may be, know that I appreciate you being here with me at David Roberson . com.

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