Rob's Journal

Thursday Afternoon, August 16.... As I begin my eighteenth year in teaching, I find myself with a new challenge. I have told many people that I feel as though I am in my third life. My first life was at South Rowan High. My second life was at East Forsyth High. My third finds me at North Rowan High School in Spencer, N.C. As a Cavalier, I am teaching both English and EC English. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the acronym, EC includes those students who are classified as Learning Disabled. As I said, it is a challenge. The possibiity of theatre remains in the future, but for now, there seems to be no interest in developing the course at North, and truthfully, I'm content to yield that strength to South Rowan, and the memories which go along with it. For now, I'm content with my American Literature and to help people who seem to be appreciative of it. I recently had the opportunity to speak with a former colleague from East Forsyth who told me that the atmosphere there this year is totally different, and that she actually looks forward to going to work. Given the change in command over the summer, I can certainly understand. Although there are differences between North Rowan and South Rowan, as every school is different, it is good to be back in the Rowan-Salisbury system, where I am known, and appreciated.

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