Rob's Wrestling Beat...

Wednesday September 27............ 7:00 PM ET UPDATE: Tomorrow night on WWF Smackdown: Lita d Jaqueline. Blackman d Road Dogg. Phatu/2 Cool d Kane/ T & A. Tazz/ Raven d Jericho/ Lawler. Chyna d S Richards. Snow NC X-Pac. ME: Benoit/Angle d Rock/HHH..... This Sun night on WWF HeAT: Dudleys d Goodfather/ Bull. Malenko d Taka. E Guererro d Road Dogg. Regal d Crash..... A new co-host of WWF HeAT: Rebecca Budig of All My Children..... WCW March 2001 ppv moved from Toronto to Jacksonville..... Joan Lunden was at the Thunder tapng last night getting footage for her upcoming special on A & E.... Tonight on WCW Thunder: Johnny The Bull d Sgt AWOL. Leah Meow/Midajah catfight. Rey Jr d Juvie (Juvie slightly injured in this match ). Jindrak/O'Haire d Skipper/Duggan. Reno d Crowbar. Vince Russo announces the end of his wrestling career, and that the WCW Title situaion will be made clear this Mon on Nitro. S Steiner d S Ray. ME: Jarrett/ Storm d Rection / Luger ( Luger does a heel turn )........ 12:00 AM ET UPDATE: WCW HALLOWEEN HAVOC will see Sting taking on Jeff Jarrett and Gen Rection facing Lance Storm for the US Title.....VINCE RUSSO could claim victory tonight on Thunder, as he was the first man through the cage door this past Mon night on Nitro. This would allow him to claim himself the WCW title winner over Booker T.....Backstage @ NITRO this past Mon were Big Dick Dudley, Nicole Bass, Chris Candido and Tammy Lynn Sytch. Tammy has lost weight and was said to look very good.....

Tuesday September 26
