Rob's Journal

Tuesday Night, November 28...... Tomorrow night at this time, I will be on the floor of the Greensboro Coliseum listening to the sounds of Styx and REO Speedwagon.For those of you from the Britney Spears, Backstreet Boys, N Sync generation, that means that it's time for us middle-agers to rock and to reflect....I remember REO from my first few years of teaching. I would use their music to drive home the points of American Literature and to relate the real world to my high school juniors. I remember, too, a couple of songs that were special ones to me, and would cause me to think about Laura whenever I would hear them. I'm sure that will happen tomorrow night. This is a night that I need for me...I saw these guys a few years back when they were in Greensboro, and was amazed at the number of people who came to do just what I had listen and to sing along... but mostly, to just remember...... 5,200 hits. That's the latest count. Shortly after moving my first site and setting up David Roberson . Com, I added a counter to my new site. That was one year ago, on Nov 29, 1999. As I write this, one day away from one year having passed, my hits counter stands at over 5, those of you who drop in from time to time, to those of you who are with me every day, I thank you. I thank you for being with me here at David Roberson . Com.

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