Rob's Journal

Wednesday Morning, October 29, 2003..... My last class in Special Education at Winston-Salem State begins this Friday afternoon. The schedule has me in class on Fri afternoons and Saturdays, although not every weekend, through December. Meanwhile, the Assessment course is not over, even though we will no longer be meeting as a group. All of this means two exams during the week of December 1, and three or more papers due in within the next two weeks, plus the state exam on Nov 15.... Classes at North Rowan High are going well, everyone is looking forward to some time off on Election Day, Veteran's Day and Thanksgiving... I've known Charly for only three months, yet it feels like she is my soulmate. We laugh, talk, and really understand each other... Lucy, my little bundle of Collie joy, is up to twelve pounds and will soon begin to shed her puppy hair.... Thank you for being here with me at David Roberson . Com.

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