Rob's Journal

Sunday Evening, October 5, 2003 ...... Lucy is the latest lady in my life. She's seven weeks old today, is Sable and White, has little razor-sharp teeth and soft eyes. She bounded onto my back porch this afternoon and promptly found the puppy treats which would welcome her to her new home. Lucy is a collie... Charly is the lady in my life now. We laugh, we have the same thoughts without having to speak them; we have become best friends. Our musical tastes are similar, our educational backgrounds are, too. The feelings are there; I love Charly... I'm now midway through my Assessment course at WSSU. The online mid-term is due by Wed. One more class this fall, the exam next month, and I'll be certified in Special Ed, as a rider to my secondary English certification... PTA is Tues night at North Rowan... Time is moving on... The Dixie CLassic Fair is in Winston-Salem this week.... No school for students on Thur and Fri... No school for me on Fri... Maybe I'll go to the fair that day... Thanks to everyone who has written in regarding my websites, David Roberson .Com and Wrestling Bodyslam . Com. The wrestling site is updated every day... I welcome your comments, as always... Thank you for being here with me at David Roberson. Com.

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