Rob's Journal

Saturday Evening, April 5, 2003..... A few of the things which happened in March: Saturday school at North Rowan... An IEP Parent Conference... I moved from Room F-43 to Mobile 3... and everything that was in the room was moved, too... on a Friday afternoon... during school hours... Winston-Salem State University homework, 2 abstracts, written reports, due... To my brother's for a get-together... Computer training after school for 2 hours... An IEP Manifestation meeting... Got the driver's license renewed, as I had a birthday this month... Got a license sticker for the Thunderbird... Third quarter grades were due... Another day of Computer training... Another IEP Conference... Register students for next year at North Rowan, after school, until 7 pm... Night 2 of Registration, until 7 pm... Two IEP Conferences in one day...A third night of registration, until 7 pm... Fri afternoon class at WSSU, 4-8 pm... Sat school at WSSU, 9 am- 5 pm...Thus far in April: Parent Conference after school until 4:30... Conference at Central Office to affirm renewal credits... Drop-in Classroom observation... A visit to the dentist... After the dentist visit, the Thunderbird won't start, due to a loose battery cable... should have driven the Honda, but it is overdue for its first oil change... Took the Honda for its first oil change... Coming Up later this week/ month: All assignments, 3 abstracts and a paper, are due in to WSSU by the 25th... class at WSSU on the 14th from 4-8pm... 7 weeks of teaching classes at North Rowan, with an extra 35 minutes added onto the day to make up for the time lost earlier this year... in February, I was living for March... in March, I was living for April... I am now living for May, or, more aptly, for Summer. Then, there's Summer School. Take Care. Thank you so very much for being here with me at David Roberson . Com, where we do it all... for you, or me, or someone.

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