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This program approximates a definite integral using the left-side, right-side, midpoint, trapezoid, and simpson's rule. A comparison with the calculator's own fnInt function is also provided. Note: -> is the 'store' arrow.
:Lbl F
:Disp "Enter func:"
:InpSt "y=",xs
:Lbl ST
:Input " Lower=", A
:Input " Upper=", B
:Input " # Div=",N
:Lbl P
:Goto P
:Lbl theMENU
:Goto theMENU
:Lbl QT
:"hey baby"
The beginning block of code can be ommitted, but then the user needs to make sure a function has been entered (in the GRAPH, y(x)= screen) before using the program. I've checked for correctness, but I make no typo-free guarentees.
Last update: 09 01 2000
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