Lali Ho!


Hello. Welcome to my wonderful web site. I assure you that this is one of the most important wastes uses of internet space in the entire cyber universe. So, now you know.

Last Updated: 7-10-2000
escape frames

The planetary alignment starts tomorrow. I hope the world doesn't quite end. That would suck. Although, some havok and chaos wouldn't be such a bad thing. As long as we're still here next week I'll be just fine.-i forgot when I wrote this

We saw a meteorite firday night! It was heeeeellla long and had a white tail that faded to blue. Then it began to turn red as it burned up in the atmosphere then it blew up. It was fuckin amazing. I thought the end was here. Did I ever tell you how much I like having an atmosphere? -7/10/2000

welcome to nowhere fast

Illiterate? Write on da book.
Spy da Book

Don't smoke crack kids!

Caution: Lemur inhabited area

I just reread through all the stories and the rhymes/songs I've put on this site and I considered taking them off... But instead I will leave them and just remind you that they were written litterally with sophmoric humor. Just about all of these stories were written in my 11th grade geometry class. So if you find them moronic, that is quite alrigth with me! I thought they were funny as hell at one time.

And of course we need a picture page too.


Yes, I think that's funny.

Various other humorous curiosities?


Here's a fairly good selection of bands that don't suck, as compiled by the Crackfolks as a collective.

A chunk of my brain.

This site it completely not complete. If you think it sucks a great deal then you, my friend, are correct. Thanks for your understanding in this matter.

-The Management-

Mwrawr!I iz Jack, da Poompkin King.

NOTICE: Don't be afraid to use your reload button if you experience any insubbordination from my site. He has a tendancy to be a little on the unruly side.

NOTICE#2: I hope I don't offend anybody with what I put on my site. If you are truly offended then let me know and I'll try and alleviate the problem. Lust remember this: It is all in good humor and no one is forcing you to be here. I am predjudiced against NO ONE. I love you!

[This Site is rated PG-13ish]
It contains:
AL Adult Language
AC Adult Content
BN Brief Nudity
MV Mild Violence

Of course it is all in the form of text. You will not actually hear a curse word or see a naked rear end. You will not smell, taste, touch or otherwise sense anything R-rated.


-The Management-

Link me:
super-ultra-spiffy banner
Copy and paste this and put it onto your page:
<a href="> <img src=""> </a>
"potatas, potatas, potatas."- I eat slop.<---I'm with stupid.-"bananas, bananas, bananas."

well it does! frog on drugs.
