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Buru's Pokemon Club House

Welcome to my site I hope you enjoy and feel free to come again.Check out my stuff and if you have pokemon for adoption send me your page. I had a buru background but the site I got it from got deleted so if you know a place with a buru background email.

Keep going down and don't stop untill you see it say Heres the Stuff and click on one then your there. Got a place that has adoptions, 3Dpokemon, stories, codes, links, prises for pokecards, game facts, game squeduals, and tons more! You want the site? Well just click

Pika Pika Pikachu!

Heres the stuff

Angelfire-Free homepage
Maxpages-Free sites
Pokemon Everything Click here for the best site
My friends site
My Pokemon
Adopt a pokemon #1
Adopt a pokemon #2
Adopt a friend
My Awards
Gameshark codes
Pokegod codes
Pokegod pictures
pokegodcity houou togepy code
Pokemon Codes
Pokemon License 4 U
More adoption
