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Safe Sex

The carefree days of sex have come to an end. We can be cured of certain sexually transmitted diseases with antibiotics, but there is no cure for some such as herpes or AIDS. In today's world part of being a great lover means taking responsibility for protecting yourself and your partner from these serious diseases. Total abstinence is one way of protecting yourself, but it may not be that enjoyable to do so. If you and your mate have only had sex with each other for the past ten years, and neither of you use intravenous drugs or has had a contaminated blood transfusion, then you can safely enjoy sex. If you and your lover are new to each other, take the time to know each other first and establish your concerns about both your health and well-being. Perhaps you could wait till both of you have been tested for the HIV antibody. (For the test to be effective, you must wait to take it up to six months from your last possible exposure to the HIV virus.) This may be embarrassing, but you're better of being safe than sorry. Discuss with your partner what forms of protection you would like to use. At the very least, always use a condom. There are many excellent books about sexually transmitted diseases. Purchase one or go to your local library. Above all : be smart, be firm, be sure. Then go ahead and enjoy yourself.