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Silver Angel's Poetry

Remember it's illegal to pass these off as your own! I have worked very hard on them

Secret Admirer

There you are across the room Those eyes, that face I can’t help but stare My knees weaken At the thought of your touch My heart jumps At the thought of me and you Uttered in the same breath But you do not see With the same eyes as me And who I am You may never know

Three Little Words

How can I explain? When there are so few words. And their meaning becomes lost in the translation. How can I say, I love you? When the sound of the words die away and my love does not? How can I simply just touch you? When I release, I hunger yet again for your embrace. How can I show my caring? When there lacks the time to share. How can three little words say so much?


Falling down a hole of sadness A neverending hole of depression I would cry out But I have no words I would weep But I have not tears No one here To stop this madness No one here To hear my confession


My eyes tell a story Words are a link to my soul My mind draws a blank and my heart feels nothing But sorrow

My Sister

My sister is pink bubble gum Stuck to the bottom of my shoe At first it’s gooey, sweet and goes unnoticed Then it gets hard and full of rocks You try your hardest to free yourself from it And when you do it’s gone forever


I come among emotional beings like a ray of sunlight And I take hold of their hearts You can’t tell that I am there untill You look at one another and feel that crash of thunder The only sound to give away my presense is laughter Which fills the world with smiles Like a rollarcoaster on a summer’s night When the sky’s all reds and pinks And in sunfilled mornings Alive with chirping birds and flowers I give no commands to the heart I only go along for the ride Growing stronger and weaker as time passes Sometimes living forever and sometimes fading away I can make people think unclearly And all minds and souls know me I am felt many times, in different ways I am Love

Flame of Life-

A light In the darkness Burning steadily on You move forwards It flickers and Goes out

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