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New  Stuff  for...

            Baldur's Gate!          

You must gather your party before venturing forth!

By the way, all this stuff works fine with BG II.
( I don't know about BG III! )
Baldur's Gate, Baldur, Baldur's, Gate, RPG

New  Portrait  Images!, 722 KB, small images
14 new female portrait images (both L and S of each). Head & shoulder shots of men's magazine type of alluring females., 722 KB, ( 826 KB unzipped ).
UPDATED 15 Sept. 99., 723 KB, small images
14 new female portrait images (both L and S of each) from some of my Horror, Fantasy, & Sci Fi paperback book covers., 723 KB, ( 821 KB unzipped ).
ADDED 8 Oct. 99., 289 KB, small images
Six Elvira portrait images (both L and S of each) for use with your female characters., 289 KB, ( 352 KB unzipped ).
UPDATED 27 Nov. 99.

( For more on Elvira go here or here. )

New  Voice  Files!

New female voice sets for use with your female characters. Let me know if you have any problems with these, and what you think of them! ( Sorry about the large size, but the program insists on the wave files being recorded at 22 Khz! ), 353 KB

Virtual Valerie, 23 wave files,, 353 KB ( 652 KB unzipped ). A sexy female voice taken from the adult computer game.
UPDATED 15 Aug. 99., 428 KB

Elvira!, 23 wave files,, 428 KB ( 773 KB unzipped ).
ADDED 28 May 99

( For more Elvira sound files go here. ), 300 KB

Elvira Too!, all different secondary set, 23 wave files,, 300 KB ( 501 KB unzipped ). These are just additional Elvira sounds I had. I'm putting them up for you to use as substitutions for any sounds you may not like in Elvira set one. (Tho they could be used as-is as another voice set.), 437 KB

Kathleen, 23 wave files,, 437 KB ( 741 KB unzipped ). A mature woman, with a sensual tone of voice, but with a very philosophical attitude.
ADDED 15 Aug. 99

A  Few  Good  Links!

            Go To Link Baldur's Gate Official Site.

            Go To Link Baldur's Gate II Official Site.

            Go To Link The IronWorks - RPG Index.

            Go To Link Planet Baldur's Gate

            Go To Link Gandorf's Tavern & Smithy.

            Go To Link The Baldur's Gate WebRing.

Baldur's  Gate  Books!     Amazon Books On-Line!

Go To Book Link

Baldur's Gate: Official Strategy Guide  by William H. Keith, Jr., and Nina Barton

Go To Book Link

Badlur's Gate : Tales of the Sword Coast Official Strategies and Secrets  by Matthew J. Norton, Doug Avery

Go To Book Link

Baldur's Gate (a novel)  by Philip Athans

Go To Book Link

Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn  by Philip Athans

Go To Book Link

Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal  by Drew Karpyshyn


BG  Cheat  Codes!, 6.8 KB

I don't encourage the use of Cheat Codes, but if you're stuck, frustrated, or tired of trying to get along with inferior equipment, here they are!, 7 KB ( 12 KB unzipped )., 12 KB

Cheat Codes for Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn (and the add-on pack(s))., 12 KB ( 34 KB unzipped ).
UPDATED 25 July 02.


This small but exciting part of the WWWeb is brought to you by Robert Haycock.  E-Mail me with any comments on any of this Baldur's Gate material.


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