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Natasha-2's Home Page

Welcome to my personal web site homepage.  My name is Natasha and yes, it is my real name although I am know by most of you as Natasha-2 online.  My name was already taken when I registered on the net and I had to choose an alternative, so I simply added the two after my name and have kept it ever since.  I have met many of you either in the 40ish Chat Rooms at Vplaces or the Spades Rooms in MPlayer and I must say that is has been a wonderful experience and my pleasure to meet all of you and have made many cherished lifelong friendships.

Presently, I am residing in Canada on the Pacific Coast, although I am originally from Montreal and have lived in numerous areas in the United States which would include Alabama, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Puerto Rico.

Click here to go to the home of Northern Lights Click here to go to the home of Hillbilly Country Come visit my boat, Ocean Four E-mail me with your comments pls

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