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Marvel RPG and More... -- One of the best sites I've seen on this subject, very well put together --

Marvel Heroes RPG Homebase -- no description avaliable at this point --

Ben Reilly's Marvel RPG Page -- no description avaliable at this point --

Psyke's Marvel Page -- A real good page, lots of helpful stuff!

Arakne's Web -- This page has a lot of stuff such as characters, house rules, different versions of marvel games and more --

Complete Marvel Super Heroes Adventure Game Information (SAGA and Classic Roleplaying Systems) -- Adventures, Information, and Products about Super Heroes Games (SAGA, Classic, Super Dice, OverPower and more!) --

Zan's Marvel Home -- no description avaliable at this point --

Marvel R / P / G -- no description avaliable at this point --

Ram's Marvel RPG Page -- no description avaliable at this point --


Want your page link added? -- provide a short description of your page and send it to me