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[ the kitchen of Marge Simpson ]

5/2/04 - It's been almost two years, but as of today we are back in business. We may have a five-year anniversary box social, so if any of you fans are interested, email that is all. PAYCE

6/16/02 - Our first update of the new year! First, I'd like to say that this business is getting too hard, but we're going to try to bring it back. Wow, last time I checked there were 596 votes in the poll (and I know I only did about a hundred of those). We thank you.

8/26/01 - The Win our Award section was updated today. A new award has been created.

8/25/01 - Here it is: the IE version. Too bad for Netscape people...

8/24/01 - New look created today...! Wow- updates every day? This hasn't happened since the artist formerly know as Puff Daddy was still known as Puff Daddy. Cool.

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