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Velvetta the Bald

Velvetta lived in a land where the rest of Seventh Deli had cool hair, and unfortunatly Velvetta did not. To hid his deprivation he wore a really sorry hat. Now Velvetta knew that the evil Jello, son of the Antipepper had the Magic Can O' Cool Hair Hair Spray, that would give him forever cool hair.

Velvetta began his journey to defeat Jello for the can. Bob, the leader of Seventh Deli, gave Velvetta Ethel's Salami for his weapon. He continued on to the wise and beautiful Lana's for the location and the weakness of Jello. She told him his weakness was his mommy and he lived with his mommy, who lived in South Carolina. Velvetta went ot the house of the Antipepper and rushed in, attacking with Ethel's salami.

He struck Jello's mommy, knocking her out with one blow. Jello tossed his weapon of choice, the tinwhistle, and ran to his mommy's side, leaving the Magic Can O' Cool Hair Hair Spray unguarded. Velvetta grabbed the can and POOF! he had cooler hair than Bob and was loved by all of the Kilties and the memebers of Seventh Deli. Velvetta then gave the really sorry hat to Bob who was now ashamed that cooler hair than his really could come from a can....(like SPAM perhaps..hmm...)


By: Lee Lee the Leeprochan, Apprentice Bobologist and/or Bobologist in they have a school for that somewhere??

In Bob We Trust,