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Seven Nations Biography
The links below will take you to um..completly 100% accurate biographies (yeah...right.) about members of 7N. One day, someday, soon, like today maybe, I will hopefully add 3 more, about the nice people who make all the stuff work. (read:crew)

Kirk McLeod-guitars, vocals, fake leather pants
Struby-bass, vocals, God of Beer
Ashton Geohagan-drums, evil devil spawn
Scott Long-piper, cartoon dog
Dan Stacy-fiddler, one with the yankee pants

Those who get up the earliest, make everything work, and can never be thanked enough:
Shawn Ruby- Sound Man Extrodinaire
Les Targonski- The Rocking Roadie
Kurt Phister- The Babysitter


Oh Blah! I just wanna go home!
Ah! Who cares? Take me back to the humor page.

 E-mail me! Come on! What are you waiting for? Just click the won't hurt much. Promise!! Well, you don't HAVE to, but it would be nice. Just don't tell me what an idiot I am or anything, because 1)that would make me sad..*sniffle* and 2) it would also make me mad.

See how many nice people, such as yourself, care about the lads?