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Advice From Somewhere
-Read the directions, then cheat. 
-Don't insert the "i," unless you want Nitrogen to become Nickel 
-Oreos and Milk good. Potato flakes and milk not. (Unless you are making instant mashed potatos, in which case, call me, I want some) 
-Holding 14 CDs in one hand often leads to breakage. Or streched fingers. 
-Don't mess with poodles. They may look small, furry and harmless, but they're prima donnas too.. 
-Princess was not availble for comment. 
-Congratulations to Snoopy on his recent engagement to that chick who holds the football. 
-May you have many beautiful children. Or not. 
-A hungry tiger is a beautiful thing. From far away. 
-Sometimes, it really is best to leave well enough alone. 
-Plastic ants in ones bed is not a reason to scream and claw your neighbors eyes out. 
-Halloween is not a good time to test Auntie Kevorkian's Super-Secret Candy Recipie out. It was super secret for a reason. 
-If you can't identify it by smell or sight, don't taste it. 
-Mufasa should be cleaned only with soft cloths and water, not a brillo pad and bleach. 
-Reader's Digest Condensed Books: Just add water 
-Watch where you point that thing! 
-On Newton: "If it wasn't for him we wouldn't have gravity." 
-I'm with you there. Fishing makes you hungry. 
-On heating beakers: "If we get it hot enough, will it levitate?" 
-Old chemists don't die..they decay. 
-Same town, different name. 
-When one is balancing equations, one should not make up more possible charges for Manganese. It has enough already, thank you. 
-The dragon may think you taste like chicken but alligators are far more accessible. 
-If you are trying to save someone from themselves, don't suggest that they spend time alone in a dark room. 
-Don't wear duck pants in hunting season. Most dogs are easily confused and I bet you want to keep that leg, don't you? 
-Asheville is where you want to be. Really. 
-WARNING: Lollipops are dangerous and may produce spontaneous gossip. 
-It speaks high qualities for my volume. 
-Rose Al will be at Weird State. I mean. Doh! 
-I am Itchy Fingers 
-That's alot of cold.-EM (On Nitrogen boiling at -79 C) 
-The water's a bit basic today. 
-"That was really neat" "Except it didn't work." "Why didn't it?" "I don't know." 
-How come it never explodes? 
-So.....people in the back are safe? 
-Is it hard? 
-I'm Liz. With a Z. Like Zorro. 

4/17/00-More to come. Maybe. 

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