Lazurusy2k 9/21/00 11:11 PM the Asshole part wasnt ment 4 you it was for rest of em.Sam and kane just pked me im having Osi do a sweep of TBH as we speak Eimaj da 9/21/00 11:11 PM shit man just give it a rest... PKing isnt an offence Lazurusy2k 9/21/00 11:12 PM they want to fuck with me when all i was doing was talking to Panzer im sure if osi looks deep enough they will find something Eimaj da 9/21/00 11:12 PM You got lepp banned they are not gonna forgive you for that ever, thats the reason of it Lazurusy2k 9/21/00 11:12 PM fuck them my goal in uo now is to have every asshole banned and there are a few in TBH Lazurusy2k 9/21/00 11:13 PM i dont care bro you saw me come to you 2 times over them and nothing was done 3 times its over Eimaj da 9/21/00 11:13 PM Every asshole? Thats a relitive term. Like forinstance, if you went by popular demand, you one of em Lazurusy2k 9/21/00 11:14 PM maybe in your eyes im going by how i feel Eimaj da 9/21/00 11:14 PM This could get me banned too... you know how OSI is Lazurusy2k 9/21/00 11:14 PM and osi can investigate me all tghey want i never have and never will cheat Eimaj da 9/21/00 11:14 PM I know how you feel, im just saying you causing alot of people greif over this... alot of people who are innocent Lazurusy2k 9/21/00 11:14 PM nah ill just send in certain names Lazurusy2k 9/21/00 11:15 PM who is innocient here i left you guys alone still they fuck with me Lazurusy2k 9/21/00 11:15 PM if sammy trys to macro his red he got for pking me ill have a gm inspect his account Eimaj da 9/21/00 11:16 PM Sam is a good friend Lazurusy2k 9/21/00 11:16 PM Sam is a prick Eimaj da 9/21/00 11:16 PM Only to you, because you got his friend banned Lazurusy2k 9/21/00 11:16 PM you deserve better friends than them Eimaj da 9/21/00 11:16 PM They are good friends. You just are refusing to see things from other perspectives Lazurusy2k 9/21/00 11:17 PM how can i when all i ever got was grief fuck TBH and you can post that on the boards i saidr it and i mean it Lazurusy2k 9/21/00 11:18 PM i just mailed the screenshots of william wallace admitting he was kane his account will be gone next Lazurusy2k 9/21/00 11:19 PM this is what torp said after lep got banned: NorgE/Torpedo: its ok man i think to they shoulda stoped Eimaj da 9/21/00 11:21 PM You think that makes a diff? Just give it a rest, i thought you were moving anyways Lazurusy2k 9/21/00 11:22 PM i did i bought a large towe north of the desert Lazurusy2k 9/21/00 11:23 PM panzer invited me to see his decor of his villa Lazurusy2k 9/21/00 11:24 PM ive done everything ive wanted to in this game . Now i start making all the people who fucked with me and the people who stood by while they fucked with me's life miserable Eimaj da 9/21/00 11:25 PM So you dont wanna have fun.. you wanna play 10 bucks a month to ruin other's? Lazurusy2k 9/21/00 11:26 PM lets say 10 bucks is worth the payback Eimaj da 9/21/00 11:26 PM No its not You are not realizing something Lazurusy2k 9/21/00 11:27 PM what that people are assholes and noone cares? Lazurusy2k 9/21/00 11:28 PM and dont give me this BS about it being to extreme .When you make friends away fom TBh and they come in and drive a wedge then its all i got left Lazurusy2k 9/21/00 11:28 PM if im correct sammy just went perma red so im fucking istatic Eimaj da 9/21/00 11:29 PM In this game poeple do things and say things that they know they wont have to regret later. They do that because they know its just a game. It brings out the worst in poeple, i know, but there is a way to avoid that... realize that it is just a game and stop taking it so seriously. You have no idea what these poeple are like in RL, you are dead wrong if you think you can tell by thier UO charecters. All I know is I like this game, i put up with people going overboard like lep or kane or sam or phe or you. But you are taking it too far, you are effecting other people, trying to ruin the game for others, it will also ruin it for me and many other people. You can pay your 10 bucks a month to make dwell in your misery, and make many innocent poeple some that are friends of yours suffer for it, you can quit or you can let it slide and just ignore them. Its your choice Lazurusy2k 9/21/00 11:31 PM i choose to see the proper people banned for thier mistakes .If anyone didnt cheat they have nothing to wory about and yes osi does have way to trace peples actins for last 15 days.I talked to GM they back it up that far back Eimaj da 9/21/00 11:31 PM You not listening at all? Lazurusy2k 9/21/00 11:32 PM so if any TBH macroed they will be caught.Fuck them they are trying to ruin my game .So i will thiers.this is war and i dont mean in a uo enviroment.They sneeze wrong ill be there to catch it Eimaj da 9/21/00 11:33 PM Shut up man i dont wanna hear it. Did you just ignore what i said? Eimaj da 9/21/00 11:34 PM I gave you those 3 options in that long message, i only hope you consider them carefully and realize that if you cant enjoy the game then dont ruin it for others like me please... Lazurusy2k 9/21/00 11:35 PM all of you ignored me.i said tell him and kane to ignore me not acknollege me in the game and id never bother thier accounts Lazurusy2k 9/21/00 11:35 PM either you didnt tell em or they ae fucking morons Eimaj da 9/21/00 11:36 PM They knew it, but they didnt because its a game and they dont care its the same arguement over and over Lazurusy2k 9/21/00 11:36 PM and dont give me this its causeing me grief.I begged you for help in a sence you did nothing but back them up. Eimaj da 9/21/00 11:38 PM look i back everyone up. FYI i just backed you up in TBH IRC channel! There are always things you dont know about poepe, they hide thier good sides in situations like this and you freak out at them for a game and you are willing to go as far as ruin it for many people just to get back at a few? Lazurusy2k 9/21/00 11:38 PM I dont care anymore jamie .Your a nice guy but i wouldnt call you a close friend cause fiends dont let this hapen to thier friends atleastr phe always stood up for me Eimaj da 9/21/00 11:39 PM I just fucking told you i stood up to you. I always have. Just because i stand up for other friends too doesnt make me your enemy Lazurusy2k 9/21/00 11:39 PM jamie ive been in the Irc chat and saw them dog me and noone said word in my defence Lazurusy2k 9/21/00 11:40 PM how what was said and what did you say? Lazurusy2k 9/21/00 11:41 PM you know i had so much fun when i finnally got away from TBH and fo some damn reason its like they followed me.I didnt even go around phe or you for long time Eimaj da 9/21/00 11:42 PM Well forgive me for using my 10 bucs a month in the way i see fit. Forgive me for trying to help you even a little, i should have know you couldnt bear the disapointment when i didnt back you up in a futile effort to stop your enemies from hating you and losing everything left to me in UO in the process. Lazurusy2k 9/21/00 11:43 PM a friend would have stood up for a friend .Not like these warped friendships ive had with mosrt TBH Lazurusy2k 9/21/00 11:45 PM you know if someone came to me a week ago said"That jamie Bond is the biggest loser in the game" id have pked his ass.Maybe im wrong im sure im wong friends in uo are here to fuck each other over thats a uo friend in my opinion Eimaj da 9/21/00 11:47 PM And what if your best friend told you that i was a lamer? Would you PK your best friend for that? Lazurusy2k 9/21/00 11:47 PM i would have said stfu til you get to kow him Lazurusy2k 9/21/00 11:48 PM but hey we are different people i guess Eimaj da 9/21/00 11:49 PM ya right Lazurusy2k 9/21/00 11:49 PM see you dont know me Eimaj da 9/21/00 11:49 PM I dont know anyone Lazurusy2k 9/21/00 11:50 PM Well im sry if you end up in the middle but ive had it all they had to do was leave me alone we wouldnt be here.trhye pked me 2 times ive lost over 5k in shit.I got millions but its the principle Lazurusy2k 9/21/00 11:52 PM a simple im sry ill leave ya alone would have fixxed all this way back but nope people persist in being assholes and if its only way i can get them off me is to get em banned ill do it to my bestfriend if he was herrasing me Eimaj da 9/21/00 11:52 PM hah you should see this from where i am. You would laugh your ass off. You sound just like Kane its funny Lazurusy2k 9/21/00 11:53 PM ? Eimaj da 9/21/00 11:53 PM lol You both argueing the same side. you know how all this started? Lazurusy2k 9/21/00 11:53 PM please dont insult me anymore . Lazurusy2k 9/21/00 11:53 PM how? Eimaj da 9/21/00 11:54 PM If you get insulted because i tell you that you share human traits with other poeple then its your own fault Lazurusy2k 9/21/00 11:55 PM you lost me what did you mean we arguing the same side? Eimaj da 9/21/00 11:55 PM It started from some little thing.. a misunderstanding, a mistrust something like that i dont know. Something small. Something struck a nerve, accidently or on purpse nothing big but EVERYONE was too stubborn to try to fix it. They all had to make the other see thier way and admit that they were right. "Its the principle!" Lazurusy2k 9/21/00 11:57 PM Kane is sticking up for me? Bah noway ill never believe it Eimaj da 9/21/00 11:57 PM And now its gotten to the point that you pissed eachother off so much that you couldnt possibly resolve it peacefully. The temptation to get back for whatever thing you did is so great that they cant stop themselves, especially when its just a game and no one really gets hurt. Now its gotten to the point where people are getting banned. Its not your fault, not saying it is, its everyone's. Mine, yours, Kane's, Lepps, OSIs (Always OSI's hehe) Lazurusy2k 9/21/00 11:58 PM here is the deal... if lepper wants to come back and kane does they come to me ill admit my past was wrong but ive been amodel player since and they stil herrass me .But they and only they come to me and ill never bother thier accounts again Lazurusy2k 9/21/00 11:59 PM i really dont care if they play uo aslong as they dont interferre in my gameplay Lazurusy2k 9/22/00 12:00 AM they did and i turned em in simple as that Lazurusy2k 9/22/00 12:00 AM i dont hate anyone.But i wasnt sad to hear lepper and kane got banned the firrst timer Eimaj da 9/22/00 12:01 AM lol You see thats the joke, you guys cant ever agree. People are too stubborn and stuck up on principle. You think Kane or Lepp or anyone else would apologize? not a chance. Lazurusy2k 9/22/00 12:01 AM then il do what i got to do.. And i have apologized even when i didnt think i should have Eimaj da 9/22/00 12:02 AM you dont 'got to do' anything... except the fact that your an idiot human with the mental blocks and the ego and all that psychological shit that makes you do it. Same with everyone else. Lazurusy2k 9/22/00 12:04 AM Jamie think about this... If i was the asshole here i would have had them banned few months ago when i knew they was back Lazurusy2k 9/22/00 12:05 AM i stayed away i avoided contact.I talked to very few TBH to keep the peace Eimaj da 9/22/00 12:06 AM Bah dont gimme that. Im not saying your an asshole im saying your human just like Kane or me. We all to stubborn stupid to change our ways and give over. I wont stop thinking what i think and pissing everyone off, you wont stop thinking what you think, and everyone you hate in TBH wont stop thinking what they think. Now quit trying to convince me that you are better then everyone! Lazurusy2k 9/22/00 12:07 AM im warring with TSL and i get this message that they dont appreciate me messing with TBh member.I hadnt even talked to a tbh but mo in weeks Lazurusy2k 9/22/00 12:08 AM aye i am the better man here and i know it .i turned several cheecks before i ran out of cheeks .they had alot of oppertunity to leave me alone they chose to herrass so they got and are getting what they asked for Lazurusy2k 9/22/00 12:10 AM im done talking they had thier chance its more than a grame to me now .its a quest. and i have proven i can get results Goodluck to ya im out of here