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Ron's Page

Other pages I have created

My Baby...Can U Say HORSEPOWER?!
A Page About The Blair Witch
Pee Wee Herman!
A Special Place Dedicated To The Midget Man
Jerrimiah's Biological Father
Find Jerrimiah's Biological Father!
Proof Tinkey Winkey Is Not Gay!
A Page With More Info On Me And A Pic

Welcome to my homepage. I hope you are able to find useless information here, like many others have. You might not understand all the jokes I put into some of the pages, but don't feel bad, you really have to know me to get some of them. So don't feel left out. I'm sure things will work out for you later in life. But then again, if you're seeing this page, I probably posted it in Yahoo Chat or something, so that's kinda sad, since you're all so busy in a chatroom, that you can't work out your problems. I know, it's hard to understand all of this, but once you get older, I promise all of you that you will understand. Now that we all have that cleared up, have fun!