AZN PRIDE- jiGGa Loot's Homepage

jACE's HoMepaGe

Last updated: (12/28/99)

produced by jACE Designs Ltd.© for 604.Asian.Alliance©

Yo wasup my brothers and sisters who crave the webpage that promotes the social education that all other pages lack.

Coming soon: Full detailed "Cliff Notes" for the movie FACE/OFF!!

Representin' CANADA! 604-Vancouver, B.C.!
I am a Cantonese teen born on Canadian soil (C.B.C.). I know you be like where da freak is Canada? Well, its north of the United States my Friend. Yup, we have asians up here ya know. Lotsa dem too. Keep it strong. Keep it real. And remember "Asian Alliance's" message:

"KnOwLeDge Iz Da KeY To SucCesS"


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