A Loser FORGOT about this site

The site that you all knew and didn't really admire too much returns, not with anything terribly cool, just a few new words of wisdom and maybe a couple of new pages. I was surfing around and realized that once upon a time, I made a website...then forgot about it. Well, I'm gonna work on it a little more, and then forget it again.

If things work out the way I plan, there should be two new pages, one new sorta-peoples page, and one devoted to Lifegivers and my ongoing effort to bring "If I Am" into the world as we know it. If things don't go as planned, you're just gonna have to act like they do. Oh yeah, and by the way, I also got rid of those stupid polls...they were cheesy and nobody cared anyway.

My first pic of Sarah

This is Sarah. This picture richere (right here) is of Sarah the night that I first sorta met her at Bonne Fete. That was the bomb diggady, wasn't it? We're REALLY close to hittin up on a year and a half. Ain't that something? If you know me well enough, then you know that is quite a feat. I'm pretty proud of Sarah and myself. I know that I can't be the easiest person to want to stay with. Iloveyoubaby.

Ain't I a cutie?

This would be the "Loser." Gavin Ross Robinson. Yep. If you didn't know what I looked like, now ya do...and that's all I have to say about that.

Chad, the Man, The Legend

That's Chad, the guy I went to New York with. Chad is ther first friend I got a pic of, therefore, he was the first person (besides Sarah) on the site, therefore, he got to be on the first page, therefore, he is lucky!

> A little more about me

>> Lifegivers/ "If I Am" :)

>>> The first peoples page on the site

>>>> The SeCoNd peoples page on the site

>>>>> The more and more peoples page on the site

>>>>>> People, groups, PICTURES!!!

>>>>>>> Places to go, people to do, things to hear

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