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 Allow 5 pounds of nuts per 100 people.
 Allow 3 pounds of mints per 100 people.

Wedding Mints (9)

Below are recipes for the tiny sugar mints often served at wedding receptions. 
These are usually done in the bride's color theme and her favorite flower-shape, etc. 
They are very easy to do. You only need one single mold of each shape. 
There are many shapes to choose from. You can make these ahead and freeze them. 

200 mints
1/2 c. butter
1/4 cup  whipping cream 
2 lbs (.9 kg). bag of confectioners' sugar 
1/4 tsp butter flavoring 
1/4 tsp  peppermint oil (or 1 tsp extract) - oil is nicer

Leave butter at room temperature until soft.  Heat cream until warm. 
Mix all ingredients by hand.  It will be stiff, so you may have to use hands to
 knead until smooth. 
Add color as desired and continue to mix by kneading. 
Press into mint molds to form.  Remove from forms. 
Place on waxed paper. Let set overnight to dry. 
Turn and let other side dry.  Store in covered container. 
These keep a long time, and freeze well. 

 Internet Note: This is a very easy recipe as well as very good, always lots of compliments on these mints. They are time consuming to make if you are not experienced. 

Butter Mints

4 cups (950 ml) powdered sugar 
5 Tbsp. melted unsalted butter 
4 Tbsp. evaporated milk 
10 drops peppermint oil 

Mix all ingredients in mixer.  Roll into small balls.  Press into candy molds.  Chill. 
NOTE: Small amount of your favorite food coloring may be added during the mixing phase. They are excellent! 

Wedding Mints

1/2 cup Butter or margarine 
1 tsp Salt 
2/3 cup Sweetened condensed milk 
7 cups Confectioners sugar; sifted 
Desired colors 
Oil of peppermint or other desired flavor 
Yellow rubber mint mold 
Granulated sugar for dipping candies 

Cream butter and salt together until well blended. Add milk. Add sugar. 
Remove from bowl and knead until mixture is well blended. Add flavor and color. 

To Mold: 
Shape a marble-sized piece into a ball, press into granulated sugar, taking care NOT
to coat back. Press firmly into the yellow-flexible mint mold. Immediately unmold. 
You can unmold these directly onto a pretty serving dish or tray and, pieces not being 
coated on the bottom, they will remain in place. 

TIP: If mixture sticks to the mold, add slightly more confectioners' sugar. Let set uncovered,
 for a few hours, for desired firmness. Cover tray with plastic wrap. 
Makes about 200 mints. Recipe can be halved. Amount depends on size and choice of mold used.

Creamy Mints

1 pound box 10x sugar (4 cups)
1/4 cup unsalted butter
3 TBS. boiling water or more 
1/4 tsp. peppermint oil or any other flavor desired
food coloring
granulated sugar

Combine ingredients adding flavoring last. Cream well with hands
until consistency of pie dough. If too sticky, add a little extra
10x sugar. Chill about 15 minutes. Roll into small balls. I used
candy molds to shape the mints. Roll the balls in granulated sugar
then press into the candy mold-sprinkle the back of the candy with
some more granulated sugar the release the candy from the mold onto
waxed paper.

For chocolate candies-flavor with 2 TBS. cocoa and 1 tsp. vanilla

Allow candy to sit out uncovered to harden about 8 hours. These
freeze well. Makes about 80 candies. I used small rubber candy
molds like snowmen, Christmas trees etc. for the holidays. You
can make any shape for any occasion, these are pretty and tasty.

Secret Ingredient Cream Cheese Mints

1 pkg. (8 oz.) cream cheese 
2 Tbsp. half and half 
1/4 c. soft butter 
1 pkg. (15 oz.) white creamy frosting mix 
1 tsp peppermint extract 
Food coloring, as desired 

Combine cream cheese, half and half and butter
in a heavy bottomed saucepan. Stir over low heat
until cheese mixture is soft, creamy and butter is
melted. Blend in frosting mixing well. Add
peppermint extract and food coloring. Divide to
make several colors. Roll into balls or drop by
teaspoon onto waxed paper. Press with a fork or
stamp with design if desired. Let stand,
uncovered, at room temperature until firm and
outside is dry. The inside should still be creamy.

Makes about 8 dozen.

Butter Creme Mints 

Makes:90 Candies

4 T butter, softened 
3 T sweetened condensed milk 
4 cups Powdered Sugar 
1/2 tsp spearmint flavoring 
2 drops green food coloring or color of choice 
granulated sugar 
Rubber Candy Molds 

Blend softened butter and condensed milk together. Gradually add powdered sugar
 until mixture becomes stiff.  Add flavoring and coloring a little at a time to 
reach desired color and taste. 

Roll into small balls. Roll balls into granulated sugar. 
Press ball into candy mold. Unmold at once. 
Makes about 90 candies. 

For use later: Quick freeze on a cookie sheet. Place between 
layers of waxed paper in an airtight container. Better when made 
ahead a week or two. 

Cream Cheese Mints

8 oz. cream cheese 
2 pounds powdered sugar 
1/8 tsp flavoring 
food color

Mix all ingredients and knead until creamy and smooth. Roll into tiny balls,
dust with fine granulated sugar and press into rubber or plastic molds. 
Immediately remove from mold and place on wax paper. Allow to dry. 

Pastel Wedding Mints

1 box powdered sugar 
½ stick margarine or butter (1/4 c.)
Pinch salt 
Evaporated milk 
Oil of peppermint (purchase at pharmacy or health food store) 

Mix powdered sugar, margarine, and salt. Add evaporated milk as needed to
make consistency of thick icing. Use 5-7 drops of oil of peppermint. Be
careful not to use too much as it is stronger than the mint bought at the
grocery store. Rely on our own taste after 5 to 7 drops. Use a pastry
bag to make the mints the size and design you want. 

Butter Mints

3 tablespoons soft butter
1/4 cup cream
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 tablespoons peppermint flavoring
1 pound confectioner's sugar
food colorings as desired

Blend all ingredients. Knead. Let dry one day before packaging. 

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