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Random Quotes

Here is the page for other random quotes besides those from movies. If you would like to send us any, email them to Jessie. Anything funny would be appreciated.

"He who laughs last thinks slowest." --Internet

"How do I love thee? Let me count the ways! Oh wait, I can't count that high." --Internet page

"Where do toll booth workers put their cars when they come to work?" --Jessie (DUUUUUH, JessIca, if you took the time to notice there is a litte parking place for them to put there cars. AND little porta-potties for when nature calls. Take the time to look, silly girl! --Cynthia)

"If an aircraft carrier is 130 decibels and 140 decibels is hearing loss, does that mean air craft carrier pilots are deaf?" --Cynthia

"First God created man. Then he had a better idea." --pin

"Transluscent tape is a lot better than invisible tape. It is, in fact, more invisible than invisible tape." --Jessie

"Transcendentalism is like everyone's their own little God, and there's one big God that encompasses all the little gods." --Jessie and Jen, their first and only time being semi-insightful in English class

"I kissed a Czechoslovakian youth minister!" Brittany W.

"I would never fight with a girl because they bite." --Jim M.

"You b-nitch!" --Elise B.

Glenn, our choir director's husband, on atomic warfare: "No matter how big your super soaker is, someone's always going to get out the garden hose."

Elise: "Do you ever wonder why they don't make tan M&M's anymore?"
Jessie: "Uh, no."

"One day you will look back on this day and plow into a parked car." --Kiwibox random quote

"If you are sitting at a restaurant looking at a mountain, and it looks like it's just trees, is it possible that there is someone in another restaurant on that mountain looking at you thinking the same thing?" --Elise

"Once you go black you can never go back!!"~Teck from Real World.

"Why would Chris need other whores when he has Jessie?" ~Cynthia *Note-Chris is Cynthia's brother who by some unknown reason is liked my all of her friends. Sheesh!

"We can urinate in unison!" --Chris M.

"I was the Cheez-It Box." --Chris M.

"I am a chick magnet!"--Chris M. {who is in fact a heterosexual female}

Mary: So did you get to first base?
Beth: First base? I never left the concession stand. --funny quote from Quotes-R-Us .

"Guys are like out for pricks!"--Ashley, but said by somebody else first

"Not only are we best friends, but she sleeps right on top of me!" --Jen's sister Kristin explaining why her best friend had to pay her back for pizza..hehe and she meant BUNK BEDS

"I am way, way uncool." --Howie from the Backstreet Boys

"He can child molest me anytime!" --Cynthia on Kevin of the BSB.

"Patience is overrated." --billboard

"Incest necrophilia!!" --screamed by David (summing up an Irish myth) just as an authority figure enters our English class

There are easier things in life than finding a good man.... nailing Jell-o to a tree for instance. --from kewl gurl01's page

Having a smoking section in a restaurant is a little like having a peeing section in a pool. --from kewl gurl01's page

Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way you're a mile away, and you have their shoes too. --from kewl gurl01's page

"I'm always late. That's why I never wear a watch. It depresses me." --Trent on Daria

"In the book of life, there is no answer key in the back"--Charlie Brown

"Whenever I see Jamie I just wanna pour barbaque sauce all over him and lick 'em like a rib!" --Melissa, Real World, New Orleans.

(As Kay places a drinking glass up against the wall to eavesdrop on Chad and Ethan's conversation...)
Simone: Wow! What a great idea, Kay!
Kay: Really? I saw it done on this soap opera on NBC. --Passions, which is, in fact, a soap on NBC.

(Painting on a roof in Montana...)
Cynthia: Wow, this brown paint sure does look like chocolate pudding.
Jared:(licks paintbursh) Well, it doesn't TASTE like chocolate puddin'.

Cindy: God, Cynthia, did I tell you that when I went to visit your web page, the thing went down on me?

"All guys are players deep down inside." --Ashley's friend Sarah (I hope not!)

The following quotes are from Jessie's friend Ginny's quote book. She keeps a record of all the stupid things they say at school. These things have all come out of people's mouths.

"Tell me when you want me to stop beating you." --David W.

"Stop! Let me write down my quote and then you can molest me." --Ginny M.

A discussion on how guys view what girls say.
David: "No means yes."
Ginny: "What does yes mean?"
David: "Yes."
Ginny: "What does 'stop you hideous freak' mean?"
David: "That...probably means no."

This conversation ensues David catching Jessie snatching his ducky change purse.
David: "Where does that belong?"
Jessie: "But I like it."
Ginny: "Well if everyone did that then no one would have anything."
David: "Yea, and Ginny and I would have kids. Seven. A day."

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