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Some Favorite Links

Interested in going to places that strange girls like us visit? Here are some of our bookmarked sites:


Play the Hanson Game, Part Two [my page..a must-visit if you like the Hanson guys!]

Hanson Links That Work [another one of mine..check it out]

Megan's Space of HITZ [another great Hanson site--done by my friend Megs]

Quotes-R-Us [laugh your butt off at some of the stupid stuff people say. Look up "Jessie" in a search and you might see some of mine!]

Candy of the Day [a get-happy site]

The Perfect Fan Fiction [my sister's site--go here if you are into fanfiction--you can even read some of mine]

KiwiBox [shoulda put this at the top of the list! KiwiBox is so much fun! It's kinda of like a teen magazine online, only with better articles. If you join, please put "Jezzilynne" as your reference.]

Everything Hanson [another must-visit when it comes to Hanson sites! My friend Jes's site is awesome--I think she knows more about Hanson then they do! If you go, PLEASE vote for PlayHanson2 in the website awards!]


Five Gorgeous Guys and Two Crazy Fans [My BSB site. I haven't worked on it in like forever but it is still quite amusing.]

NBC: Passions [The main page to my favorite soap, Passions. If you can't love that show (espcially the guys) then there has got to be something wrong with you! :o)]

Taylor Heaven/Taylor Hell [Although this page might disturb you, it is rather interesting. The title explains it all.] Personality Tests [This page has so many fun tests and quizzes.]

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