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Things That Bother Us!

Yes, I know this is a random page, but hey, it's our page, we can do whatever we want. So here is a random list of stuff that bothers us. If you have anything you want to add, feel free to e-mail it to Cynthia.

1. How I said I wanted to grow my hair out like Keri Russell's cause it was so long and beautiful and then she cut it off. ~Jessie

2. When you're driving down the road actually going the speed limit and feeling proud of yourself and then a cop speeds past you. ~Jessie

3. When you find out something extremely exciting that you want to tell your best friend and when you finally get to tell them, they already know. =) ~Jessie

4. When guys act like you have nothing better to do then wait on them hand and foot. I've got news for you...slavery was abolished like a million years ago. Hello! ~Cynthia

5. When like people say they are so avid about not doing something and then they do it. Hypocrites, simply put. ~Cynthia

6. When you have been arguing about something with someone for like ten minutes and all of a sudden you realize you were wrong. UGH, that is the worst thing ever! ~Jessie

7. One word. TEENYBOPPERS! ~Cyn

8. Parents. Ok so today I am having this major serious convo long distance with one of my friends who has gone off to college and when I am done talking to her I hear my brother yell, "Mom! UN-Mute the TV! You can stop listenin'! She's off the stupid phone!" Have you ever?!?!

9. BOYS. I HATE THEM! They are the most diguestingly horny nasty freaks EVER and frankly I would just love to know why the Lord chose to torture us with their presence. They are good for one thing and one thing only and that one thing is..well, never mind. And no it isn't screwing, Dara! (cynthia)

10. Having someone make you feel stupid. ~jessie

11. Public transportation! Waiting 2 hours for a train from DC to Fredericksburg and then waiting outside in the cold for half an hour to get back to the campus. 'Nuff said. -alena

12. When you get back from somewhere and find shot glasses all over your desk, left by your alcoholic roomie! -alena

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