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All About Us

Cynthia: Well, everytime I write in here I seem to disgust myself even more and more. So I am just gonna keep it totally fact oriented. I'm gettin' ready to start my second semester in college and I plan on working just a little bit harder seein' that the grades this semster weren't top notch. But like anyone wants to hear about that. I seem to cursre myself when I talk about the boys in my life but I guess I will mention them briefly. They are all work guys seein' that I don't have a life outside of good ol' Ukrops. David is like this guy that everyone loves to love. So needless to say, I feel as if I have no chance with him. But goodness he is soo hot. And then Robert is this guy that I thought I kind of liked but I think the reason that I thought I liked him is because I thought he liked me but as soon as I start to think that he likes me he totally turns off. Like he never flirts with me or anything so then I get preoccupied with the next person. Matt is this 23 year old guy, yes 23 Jess, and he told our mutual friend Amanda that he thought I was cute and that he was interested while at the same time I told her that I thought he was a cute and I was wonderin' if he had a girlfriend so then we like were at her New Years Eve party and things were weird, I guess. Like at first I guess it was ok and like we were talkin' and stuff and then it was just kind of downhill from there. As I have personally concluded, he was tryin way to hard to impress me and it got mad annoying. So I guess we will see what goes on with that. Ok, and when did this turn into a journal? I will leave you to continue to roll your eyes at my stupidness.
I like: boys, anything green, acoustic guitars, bubble baths, music, and chocolate to make me feel better.

Jessie--Hmm, okay Jessie, say something that you will not regret massively in the future!! I finished my first year at U of R successfully and can't wait to go back in the fall, cause I love it! Have found a few possibilities for future husbands. That WAS my mission on going to school--discover rich, awesome, Christian boy to marry. Well, current prospect is not rich but money isn't everything. =) Love, Jessie

Likes: lonnnng baths, anything with sugar, hot Christian guys, wearing no shoes, tons of movies

Alena-- well, technically I don't belong on here since this isn't my page, but I'm sort of a guest editor... I'm Jessie's non-identical twin, and Cynthia's friend! I am originally from the frozen tundra of Maine, but now I go to college in VA so I'm only an hour away from the girls, yay! I am also looking forward to Christmas Break, and I pine over a punk guy named Adam... I thnk that's about it for now!

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