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Another waste of space in the ether

Well, I must say that it has been a long time since I updated my webpage and anything to do with it. I can blame this on a couple of things. Well, three things.
1)I've been busy at Uni and with home life.
2)I lost the password for this site and it took me forever to remember it was the origonal password that I got from computing services at Strathclyde University six years ago!
3)I guess i'm naturally inclined towards laziness as quite alot of people these days are. Ah well, time to start working I think!

Anyways, that aside, I'd like to thank the folks who know about this website for putting up with the utter drivel that it had on it before. An still does until I can clean up some of the webspace I have on this damn thing. *chuckle* It'll be updated to periodically over the next month of so I think as i get a feel of those rusty html skills that I haven't practised for years! This page will be the main one that'll be up for the time being till i can do some stuff offline and load up. It'll hopefully *fingers crossed* look a little more professional.

For those of you who want to get in contact with me, try I should be able to get back to you. If i ever figure out how to do it again, I'll create a post-it board that folks can leave message on etc. Once agin, thanks for the patience you've shown.


Oh and sign my book if you have a second. Thanks!

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I'll try and keep this more updated than the last time where it was updated after about 2 years! It's been a busy time, but that is really no excuse. Thanks for waiting.

The Tune