Please give detailed explanations on the following points and questions
  1. Observation circumstances. For example: guiding a group, member of a group, driving, research project, etc (please give a brief description).
  1. Description of bird according to notes taken in the place of observation (field notes).
  1. Sketch or similar (Please attach)
  1. In case of captured or dead birds, please indicate measurements, plumage, etc.
  1. Which other species could this bird be confused with, and why can any confusion be excluded?
  1. Are you familiar with this bird as result of previous observations?

  1. What literature did you consult in the place of observation (field guides) and  shortly afterwards and later on (Internet, scientific articles, interviews with experts, etc.)?
  1. Is there still any doubt about the correct identification? Please explain
  1. If you are sending us pictures, refer briefly to your equipment and technique used (digi-scoping, if you used a binocular, etc.). Besides, attach those pictures you think are the best in digital format or a printed copy in paper. Or a scanned picture with high resolution and good printing quality.

The information you provide us is very valuable for the conservation purposes of the AOCR. Your rights as observer and photographer will be respected and mentioned every time the Asociación Ornitológica de Costa Rica

makes use of your information.