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Trekking Around British Columbia

Looking east from the ridge line above Radium Lake.

**** Ok...I know I am S L O W when it comes to updating my site...BUT... Hitting RELOAD or REFRESH will ensure that you see the most up-to-date stuff on each page! ****


Welcome to my humble guide on hiking in British Columbia. I am from both the South Okanagan and the Lower Mainland, so my hiking experience is somewhat limited to these regions. However, I have done some great trekking near Williams Lake, the Kootenays and the Rockies. The Pemberton/Whistler region is also a big highlight.

I am not a millionaire, nor do I claim to have extensive experience. Being a parent of two young boys limits the amount of time and money I can spend on this ever allusive hobby of mine. I love to hike, no question. Do i get the chance? Occasionally. Because of my limited time and sparse wallet, the things I know are common sense and based simply upon using my head. Top of the line equipment has never really graced my presence. Nor has multi week long treks that rely heavily on big spending. I hike the odd weeknight, but mostly find myself carefully scheduling a "weekender" to test my one-foot-after-the-other skills.

I have basically found myself trudging the trails with three others over the last few years. Not always one big goup of four, but an interspersement. Two is nice, as is three (as long as you pick the sucker thats going to carry the extra tent). Different hikes present different situations. Two people might do better together on a more difficult trek. One where alot of quiet time is needed to get up the hill. Three or Four people (or more) can be nice when it is a little easier. More time for chatting and a dash of jocularity. Did I say a dash? Hmmm...well, a mountainous amount of jocularity maybe is more accurate. Weather may also play a part depending on the number of hikers. Two can usually deal with bad weather far better than a larger group. With two, there is usually far less "whining" going on. Not that all of us don't whine at SOME point.

The reason for this site is to allow me to persue my very amateur web-designing desires and to expose people to the wonder and magic that is the British Columbia backwoods. Many people enjoy hiking and camping in the wilderness, and the number is growing every year. Some people get discouraged by the volume of hikers on the trails, but it isn't very often that I have felt crowded. B.C. still offers what is probably the best "quiet" hiking the world. Varied terrain and varied difficulty. It is a walkers paradise. Please enjoy yourself, pass along suggestions, share your thoughts and respect OUR nature.

Now I'm not suggesting for a second that you MUST fork out the big bucks by shopping at L.L. Bean (are they even in Canada?) but this link has some good simple rules as far as footwear goes. What kind of hiking boots DO you need?

Check out WHERE TO GO for a constantly growing list of links to perfect places to test those hiking boots of yours. In this section I have included "My Notes". I might ramble, I might be soaked with personal interpretation....but who cares? They're MY NOTES damnit!


Whatever you do, make sure you are PREPARED!

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