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Gabriel Clint Archie
Canim Lake, B.C., Canada


Hello and welcome to my webpage. It's not flashy or anything. I just wanted to keep it simple as possible. You are prolly here to just check out the pictures anyway. I just wanted to give some entertainment as you go through my site. All these poems are original and were written by me. I haven't written any poems since I wrote the one below.


Going all the way
Taking one day at a time
Saying what I have to say
Doing all I can to rise
Being who I am

Giving everything I got
Not being shy
Who would have thought?
That one day I would rise
Hell...that is who I am

Never giving up
Going on to that extra mile
Drinking the blood from the cup
All I can do is rise
That is the real me

I do what I have to
To rise all the way to the top
I have nowhere else to go.

Some info about me:

Born: May 14
Place if residence: Kamloops, B.C., Canada
Ethnicity: Native American of the Shuswap tribe
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 160lbs
Interests: I enjoy being active so I take part in sports. My fave sport would have to be hockey hands down. I have been playing since I was a young'n and never stopped. I enjoy most sports though. As long as I keep in shape. I love to write. I write things like stories, short stories, essays, and poetry. One of my goals is to write a novel or book. I don't know when I will do that but I will write one before my death. I love all kinds of music and being introduced to music I never heard before. I grew up listening to my parent's music. Categories fall into rock, country, and some blues. I also was influence to like many other genres of music growing up. I enjoyed everything from Heavy Metal to opera. That includes, rap, R&B, rock, old rock, country, classical, opera, techno, dance, club, etc etc. That's not as far as my interests go though. I enjoy a lot of things and am always open to new interests. I enjoy living life and experiencing everything there is to enjoy. I don't really enjoy tasting new foods though. I stick to what I know is good.

I am up for any new experiences in the world. I don't like to sit still too long unless I am comfortable where I am at. At this point, I am very comfortable but I wouldn't mind moving for...a special someone.

I'm not finished updating my page but I will keep working on it. Thanks for viewing it and e-mail me if you would like to chat or something. Take care of yourselves.

Pictures of me!!!
Poetry written by me...