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** About Me **

My full name is Cynthia
I go to Walla Walla Valley Academy in College Place, Washington
My phone number is 571-2803
My beautiful boyfriend's name is Chris Howell, and he's very beautiful :D
Email me at



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^^That's my man peeing...Isn't he cute??^^ 


My name is Fia Eatwell, and if you're at this page then you probably know me. I enjoy being with my beautiful boyfriend, Chris, and my beautiful sissy, Melissa. I also enjoy sunbathing, swimming, and I enjoy laughing. That would explain the fact that my favorite movies are romances and comedies. Although my boyfriend doesn't exactly agree with my preferred genre, he still rents the good movies...How sweeeeeeet :)


Keshia and her twelve year old friends stink, and Keshia should move far far away and never bother Peter Jay again. I don't like Kayla, or Liz. They are whores. Just like Keeeeeeeeeeshia. And I would like to thank Guy for helping me dis them. I don't like people with big heads, especially Bighead. She's a bitch, and she's ugly. I didn't have a problem with Mary, but she doesn't like me cause I'm jealous of Shaun for holding her sister's baby...Or something...And I think that's dumb, so she's dumb. I don't like Mackenzie cause she sucks and she needs to get her story straight cause she's telling everybody different things. And I don't like any of the branches of the military cause they suck. And the stupid Navy guy named Dick should die. Basically, I liked everything, until Shaun. He introduced me to love, but also to hate. But I'm no longer controlling, so I won't be disliking anyone for Shaun's sake anymore...Especially since we aren't together anymore...Funny how things work out.


I am 5'8", 140 pounds, brown hair, Measurements: 36-29-35, green eyes, and a pretty tan :D But I have a beautiful boyfriend already, so no matter how hot you think I am, I am taken!


Beautiful pictures of me
Y Beautiful pictures of people that I love Y 
My Beautiful Diary
*GAG* The ugly people I HATE *GAG*