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Miscallaneous Fern Photo Gallery

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Cyathea robertsiana, an amazing treefern that has a trunk only about 1" wide or less, and can tolerate only very light frosts.  Photo courtesy of Keith Rogers, Mannum, South Australia.

Platycerium veitchii; photo courtesy of Scott Ridges.

An impressive collection of Platyceriums and other plants.  Photo courtesy of Keith Rogers, Mannum, South Australia.

Treeferns and epiphytes in New Zealand; photo courtesy of Ralph Booth.

These treeferns in New Zealand are probably Cyathea dealbata, or perhaps C. smithii.  Photo courtesy of Ralph Booth.

Asplenium australasicum; photo courtesy of Scott Ridges.

Cyathea brownii (left) and C. australis (center).  Photo courtesy of Scott Ridges.

Scott Ridges fernery in Bendigo, Victoria, Australia (now several years ago).

Cyathea cooperi var. cinnamonium.  Photo courtesy of Scott Ridges.

Blechnum nudum growing alongside a creek in Victoria, Australia.  Photo courtesy of Scott Ridges.

A big Cyathea australis in eucalypt forest.  Photo courtesy of Scott Ridges.

Platycerium tied onto a piece of treefern trunk.  Even if your treefern dies, it is still useful!  Photo courtesy of Scott Ridges.

Dicksonia antarctica (foreground), Cyathea australis (in back).  Photo courtesy of someone with good taste in periodical covers.

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