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When You Are Bereaved...

From The Empty Arms Newsletter, March, 1999, in Erie, PA

When you are bereaved... It is ok to...
Scream in the shower,
Yell in the car,
Pound on the steering wheel,
Cry anywhere you like.

When you are bereaved... It is ok to...
Misplace little things like your glasses or car keys,
It is also possible to misplace big things...
Like your car.

When you baby dies... It is ok to...
Still feel kicks,
Hear a baby's cry when you are alone,
Feel your arms ache,
Avoid other peoples' newborns.

When you are bereaved... It is alright to...
Get lost in the mall,
Put milk in the cupboard,
Put toliet paper in the refrigerator,
Put icecream in the oven.

When you are bereaved... It is ok to...
Finding a punching bad,
Beat up your pillow,
Throw stones in the lake.

It is ok to...
Talk to yourself,
Talk to your baby,
Talk to your pets.

After your baby dies...
You can say "no" to others.
You can cancel plans that you are not up to doing.
You can have a bad day.

It is ok to hurt.
It is ok to grieve...

An Angels Prayer

Dear God,
Can you hear me?
Please, God. Do you hear my cries?
The one that echo pain deep within my mind and heart.

She is gone, God. My little girl is dead.
And I love her so.
I've tried to pray
to seek
to beg

And still, she is gone.
I would have given my life for hers....
I do not understand.
You see, God, she left so suddenly.
Without saying goodby or even hello.
How can it be that she has changed my life so?
How can it be that others think I should forget her so abruptly
and go on with my life?
How can I pretend she did not exist?

For her life and death has brought me on my knees, to You.
And now I seek the peace which only your midst can harbor
to ease this overwhelming grief.

But still, God, I feel so cheated.
I feel so very deperate for her presence.
I never looked into her eyes
I never told her how much I love her
I never kissed her gently with a proud mother's smile
Only with tear filled eyes.

But you can, God.
Please, please tell her for me for I know she is in Your care.
Tell her taht her beauty has left me many priceless gifts.
Tell her that I think of her every day, every hour, every moment.
Tell her how deeply I love and miss her.

Hold her in your majestic arms, just for me, Lord.
Rock her gently and whisper in her ear
Tell her that her Mommy aches for her
still and always.
For the only strength that remains, is the strength You grant me,
In knowing that You and only You, Father
can love her the way that I do.


Given to me while in the hospital after loosing Brett.

Yet To Be

I'm not just a miscarriage to Mother,
As in her eyes you'll see;
That she and God already knew,
What I was yet to be.

Just a miscarriage, that what they said,
Why so many tears? Why so much dread?
But some could see what I'd become,
They knew that God had just begun.
Just a miscarriage I'm claimed to be,
But I'm much more than they can "see".

Read Psalm 139 and you will know
That God had known me long ago.
And now I'm in His precious care,
Awaiting you to meet me there.
Fearfully and wonderfully made I am,
Though not much larger than grains of sand.
My substance yet unperfect, a child as yet to "see",
My members will be fashioned although as yet to be.

Forgive those who don't know me,
And do not seem to care;
I will forever be your child
You know that I was there.

Jeannie Thomas, RN
Labor and Delivery
Bradley Memorial Hospital
Cleveland, TN

For Those Few Weeks

For those few weeks-
I had you to myself.
And that seems too short a time.
To be changed so profoundly.

In those few weeks-
I came to know you...
And to love you.
You came to trust me with your life.
Oh, what a life I had planned for you!

Just those few weeks-
When I lost you,
I lost a lifetime of hopes,
Plans dreams and aspirations..
A slice of my future simply vanished overnight.

Just those few weeks-
It wasn't enough time to convince others
How special and important you were.
How odd, a truly unique person has recently died
And no one is mourning the passing.

Just a mere few weeks-
And no "normal" person would cry all night
Over a tiny unfinished baby,
Or get depressed and withdrawn day after endless day.
No one would, so why am I?

You were just those few weeks, my Little One.
You darted in and out of my life too quickly.
But it seems that's all the time you needed.
To make my life much so much richer
And give me a small glimpse of eternity

By Susan Erling
Pregnancy and Infant Loss Center>
1421 East Wayzata Blvd #30
Wayzata MN 55391

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