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This is the story of my angelbaby...Brett.

On June 11, 1998, I found out that I was going to have another baby.

This child was my third pregnancy/child.

Having two other children, I felt that I was a pro at pregnancy.

But nothing could prepare me for what was about to happen.

My first doctor's appointment was made for June 18,1998.

I was excited to see how far along I was.

She ran the pregnancy test again.

The test took five minutes to give the answer for her: Positive.

The doctor told me that I was 5 weeks pregnant.

It was official..on February 10 1999, I would give birth to my third child.

The funny thing was...My other kids were also born in February!

Since I had given birth both naturally and C-Section..The choice was left up to me which way I would deliver.

I chose to go with the C-Section.

Two days later, I woke up bleeding.

I immediately called my doctor.

She wanted to see me, so off to her office I went.

After she examined me, she told me that I needed an ultrasound.

I went to the hospital for the ultrasound.

The ultrasound was extremely painful and the "professional" kept yelling at me for crying.

This woman, kept telling me to tell her why it hurt so bad and why I kept crying.

After about 45 minutes of pain and tears, my doctor called the room.

She spoke the words that will forever be etched in my memory.

"Tracy..they can't find your baby and I am coming in to do an D-N-C."

Right then, my heart dropped to my feet.

When she arrived, she told me that if she found no evidence of a pregnancy, she would make a small incision in my stomach to see what was going on.

When I awoke, the pain in my stomach was unreal.

I kept asking why my stomach hurt so badly.

Finally, after being told a few times, I understood that my baby was in my right fallopian tube and she had to be removed to save my life.

Later on that evening I was allowed to see my baby.

She was still inside of my fallopian tube, so I couldn't see much.

We weren't sure the sex of my child...but something in my heart tells me it was a girl.

We were told that the reason for the ectopic pregnancy was due to something called "Late Fertilazition". My ex-husband's sperm fertilized my egg at the beginning of my fallopian tube and the baby grew to big to travel into my uterus.

I was also given a few things to remember her by...3 pictures, a small teddy bear that is about the size of the baby, a guardian angel picture and a big stuffed teddy bear.

We were allowed to bury Brett.

There were only a few people at the service, so it was more private.

My pastor let those who were there bless the small casket.

The cemetary is only about 10 minutes from my apartment, so I go out there quite a few times a month.

The pain of loosing my baby has eased some, but I do understand that it will never go away.

I still have trouble seeing a pregnant woman or a baby.

I know Brett is watching over me and that one day, I will see her again.

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Brett Madeline Copley