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HarperCollins DS Novels

The first mainstream DS novel published since the Dan Ross novels went out of print, Angelique's Decent by Lara Parker (Angelique) is the beginning of what hopes to be a new series of stand-alone novels based on Dark Shadows.  This is the story of Angelique's life and her descent into the evil of witchcraft, despite her attempt to find love.  Following the beautiful witch from childhood through to her time as a maid in Martinique, to the halls of Collinwood and beyond.  Discover that her ties to Barnabas Collins run deeper than you thought, and that her life was never her own.

ORDERING INFORMATION: Available at most bookstores.  Or order your copy from* today!

The second in the new DS novel series, Dreams of the Dark by Stephen Mark Rainey and Elizabeth Massie has been released!  Stephen Mark Rainey was on hand at the 1999 DS Festival in New York City to preview the new book, and it certainly lives up to expectations.  The novel introduces a new character to Collinsport, a vampire from the Civil War years.  Through his eyes, we see Collinwood and its residents from the point of view of a stranger, a man with no ties to the Collins family at all...or does he?  It is a story you won't be able to put down.

ORDERING INFORMATION: Available at bookstores now!  Or order your copy from* today!

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