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Monstervision Movie Reviews and Host Segments, and 100% Wierd Listings for your viewing pleasure this month
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FAQ (frequently asked question): What's the difference between Monstervision on TNT and Mystery Science Theater 3000 (still showing in reruns @ 9am each Saturday) on the Sci-Fi channel?
Monster jokes "There are 3 types of people in the world - those who are good at math and those who aren't."

Past movies have included Star Trek 2: The Wrath Of Khan, all 3 Poltergeist movies (in a row, the same night), Back to the Future, Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome, The Dead Zone, Christine, and even a couple of films they also made fun of on MST3K...
Following the Monstervision movie or movies was a film that TNT considers "100% Wierd". Sometimes it has something to do with the evening's selection (2 Godzilla movies were followed by "All Monsters Attack") and sometimes not. Sometimes "100% Wierd" was just a short film, Bigfoot: Man or Beast ... which is about 50% wierd. Or the classic Japanese TV-series Ultra 7, or Gilligan's Island, which is just plain silly. Each summer, Professor Joe Bob Briggs would conduct his own Summer School

These movies continue to run on TNT, TBS, and even the Sci Fi Channel in their original form. Simply print out the host segments for the movie when it comes around and read Joe Bob's comments on each segment as you watch the movie. It's the next best thing to having Joe Bob on the couch next to you...

Books by Joe Bob Briggs are available from this Amazon.com direct link

In addition to being Joe Bob Briggs on MonsterVision, John Bloom also appeared on Comedy Central's Daily Show to comment on Godstuff. John Bloom's Godstuff page at Comedy Central. John Bloom does most or all of his own writing

MonsterVision movies transcripts list so far

Movies previously seen on Monstervision scheduled on other channels (click title for Monstervision review & host segments, if available). Times shown before 7am are considered night of previous day, so you can set your VCR before going to sleep.
December 2004
November 2004
October 2004
September 2004
Jan. 2004
     Previous MonsterVision listings here (2003)
100,000 blonds have signed a petition in one of those former Soviet republics demanding protection from being joked about. They would have done it sooner but none of them knew how to spell "petition".
A&E had Deliverance on Tuesday, 11-23-04 @ 8:30am & 2:30pm, let the backwoods dueling begin!

Hey kids, it's time for Joe Bob's annual telling of the Thanksgiving Story

You know, that story Moby Dick about the great white whale is pretty good. But it would be even better if Dino DeLaurentiis made a version of it set in the old west with cowboys and Indians bein' attacked by a giant White Buffalo, right?

10-13-04 Wednesday's ep of "Lost" on ABC @ 8pm, Terry O'Quinn of The Stepfather played a man who brought a stash of knives along on the flight, which may now come in handy for food and protection, if they can trust him. Meanwhile, what to do with the dead bodies still in the plane...

Who's that little Chatterbox? And why's she rated R?

Christopher Reeve died of a heart attack 10-10-04, star of the Superman movies and Somewhere In Time
Rodney Dangerfield has died, star of such movies as Back To School & Caddyshack
It was announced 10-4-04, that Janet Leigh passed away, with relatives in attendance including daughter Jamie Lee Curtis. Janet said she never could stay in a hotel room with a shower after her scene in Psycho. Ironically, she died at the beginning of October, the month of Halloween

TCM will devote the month of November to Clark Gable films including "Mutiny On The Bounty," though Joe Bob prefers Mutant on the Bounty

Speaking of remakes, Hallmark Channel has a 4-hour remake of Jason & The Argonauts on Sunday @ 7pm, repeated Nov. 21 @ 3pm, but it just won't be the same without Harryhausen's skeleton army. And they've got a remake of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein starring William Hurt and Donald Sutherland preview

Mon-Fri Night Gallery eps Mystery Channel until 10/04

Joe Bob has a Wes Craven movie review that's a Scream, and he thinks the sequel's a scream, too

MonsterVision host segments for Carrie: The Nair Witch Project followed by Child's Play 2 and Phantasm

I Spit On Your Grave was re-released on video in July, 2004. Of course Joe Bob reviewed it!

"If there was a portal to hell in this house, I'd have pushed you thru it years ago"
Keith Carradine (Complete Savages, 9-24-04)
Have you seen the fabulous Thunderbirds yet? Or do you prefer the original Supermarionettes?

"The front half of a skunk is excellent" - Clarence Birdseye, Birdseye Foods (USA Today, 7-14-04)

Sorry I was late updating listings. I had to dig a grave and it took until 7pm, then I had to put all the dirt back in...well, most of it anyway.

* Warning: The Family Channel is showing "Blazing Saddles" again... the last time they showed it, they turned off the sound during the campfire scene. How are impressionable children going to learn the dangers of beans that way?

7/22 all day: Radio Drama Online "Fire In The Sky" (a newlywed couple is taken underground at gunpoint & learn from news reports that a comet is about to collide with Earth)

7/17 weekend: Radio Drama Online "Bold Venture" (Bogart & Bacall)

Star Trek movies have been moved to the Star Trek movies page including a link to MonsterVision host segments for ST2: The Wrath of Khan

MonsterVision host segments posted for Death Valley (1982), which Joe Bob noted was "based on a true story."

drive-in picture Joe Bob appeared at Flashback Weekend in Chicago in July, 2004! Visit FlashbackWeekend.COM or call 847-478-0119 for info. about next year's event on July 29-31, 2005

Independence Day, the Day After Tomorrow, but Joe Bob's still confused about "Twister"

BET has Joe Bob's favorite Dan Aykroyd - Eddie Murphy movie Trading Places @ 7:30pm Monday 6-14-04

Website of the month: Marilyn Manson vs. Alice Cooper

There are former MonsterVision movies on the following entire-month channel's pages. Whenever possible, I have changed the movie titles on these pages to MonsterVision host segments links:
American Movie Classics ... Turner Classic Movies
Action channel ... Encore ... Mystery channel ... Starz ... Wam!
Black Starz ... Starz Kids ... Sci-Fi Channel ... USA Network
Mystery @ 11am Mon-Fri has Night Gallery episodes, sometimes repeated late night / early morning
See TV Listings for this month's 11am-4pm marathons on the SciFi Channel (TV Guide no longer has SciFi listings before 5pm daily)

Mulder says The truth is out there

Who would you rather pick up on a remote and lonely road: The Hitcher (1986) or The Hitch-Hiker (1953)? You're right, a Duel would be more fun

Joe Bob reviews Inner Sanctum 2, and considers the need for preventing elevator doors from cutting off people's heads

Martians Go Home

Click here for the Kung Fu Bunny Rabbits

Or here to hear Alice Cooper as King Herod in a stage version of "Jesus Christ Superstar

Trivia note: Jurassic Park has dinosaurs but absolutely no topless bimbos. Joe Bob's review of Dinosaur Island (1994). It has plenty of Dinosaur Valley Girls

"Jesse James Meets Frankenstein's Daughter" hosted by Joe Bob Briggs is available on DVD at his website: www.joebobbriggs.com/commerce

WGNradio.com interview with Joe Bob Briggs about his book "Profoundly Disturbing" (RealAudio)

Stop Raising Cain and I'll list some more stuff

HBOS had Great Balls of Fire (bio pic of singer Jerry Lee Lewis, with cameo by Joe Bob Briggs @ 1pm 6-8-04. Anyone know a good sitter? MonsterVision's Sitter is a little psycho

Make A Living Online Click here for a free 5-page report: high quality online marketing advice (with no fluff) from a guy who has been making his living on the internet since 1996

Monstervision host segments have now been fully restored for The Omen starring Gregory Peck as the father of Satan's son, the Antichrist. Check it out as Joe Bob visits the Mardi Gras warehouse in New Orleans

Arnold Schwarzenegger's official website has absolutely nothing about Hercules Goes Bananas aka "Hercules In New York" (1970)

Joe Bob Briggs defends Dinner & A Movie ... sort-of Dinner & Movie themesong from their website
Note: movies listed for UPN and WB networks are sometimes preempted by local programs or even professional wrestling

Don't know the exact date & time? Click here for cool version of time & date
Click here if you've finally gotten the voice of Jar Jar Binks out of your head

School's out for summer!

The O.J. Simpson Trial as told by Dr. Seuss

Remember the past MonsterVision movie Troll (1986)? Remember the name of the kid who goes for help to a good witch (June Lockhart) after the evil troll turns Sonny Bono into a giant cucumber? The kid's name was Harry Potter Jr. - Amazon.com sold a million copies of the latest Harry Potter novel in one day, an on-line record for any product by any company. By the way, Junior's dad, Harry Potter, was played by Michael Moriarty. Try that out on the next trivia expert you meet. "Name the 1986 movie that starred Michael Moriarty as Harry Potter"

Click here for animated cartoon of Alien on a Hot Tin Roof

Turner Classic Movies has past MonsterVision movies Golden Voyage of Sinbad and Sinbad & The Eye Of The Tiger, a Harryhausen double-feature!

Excuse me for a moment, Joe Bob's Ghoulies are acting up again. They'll get you in the end

Beetlejuice shows up on cable quite often, so I've added some more audioclips to that page.

Here by mistake? Click Here to return to your previous page anywhere on the internet (how cool is that link?)

AFI has announced results of the 100 Greatest Heroes and Villains poll, and Arnold the Terminator made both lists!

Why was the war with Iraq so easy? Joe Bob says it's because everybody got so jazzed watching Top Gun! If you missed this broadcast, Leon in host segments is played by Mr. Carlin (Jack Reilly) from the Bob Newhart Show. Still wearing the same hairpiece

Sorry I haven't kept this updated every day. My Doppelganger has been acting up lately.

Morons From Outer Space is on TMC this month. Click here if you don't know where the Dixie Chicks are from

Evolution vs. Creationism. Did dinosaurs and humans co-exist? Where does Professor Joe Bob stand on this vital question? Check out host segments of One Million Years B.C. starring Raquel Welch's talents (and some dinosaurs). Or would you rather visit Jurassic Park

Joe Bob's review & drive-in totals have been added for Galaxis (not to be confused with Galaxina) and for Halloween 5 (not to be confused with Joe Bob's other Halloween movie reviews)

Joe Bob's review & drive-in totals available for Supergirl and for Sheena, Queen of the Jungle

Host segments have now been added to Skeeter, and most recent MonsterVision host segments (2000) for Planet Of The Apes have replaced the 1999 MonsterVision SummerSchool version. Joe Bob Briggs has also reviewed the low-budget adult movie Playmate Of The Apes that spoofs it including a Kim Hunter look-alike.

Frankenstein page (1931) by TCM, with link to Joe Bob's review
Review & host segment for What's Up Tiger Lily now posted

Joe Bob’s Arab do’s and don’ts - you can join the Delta Force, but don’t show your feet to an Arab!

Joe Bob Briggs Bride Of Re-Animator review
Joe Bob Briggs review of Roger Corman’s dinosaur epic Carnosaur.

The two blond jokes have been restored to host segments of Ghoulies 2

Joe Bob's review of Vampire Cop
Capricorn One, the conspiracy has landed (MonsterVision feature from November 1997)

Hey you Hee Haw fans!

Click Above To Translate
This Page Into - HILLBILLY !

Or Click here for to translate the whole URL page into Meskin (Spanish) or other European words

Two blonds are walking down the street when it starts to rain.
"Quick!" says one, "Open your umbrella!"
"It won't do any good," says the other. "It's worn out and full of holes."
"Then why did you bring it?"
"Because I didn't think it would rain."
(Adapted from World's Best Jewish Humor)
Well, I checked with PayPal, and no one's made a donation to keep this website up & running, and Amazon.com only pays 5% on their link sales, so I guess it's time to sell some MonsterVision videos now that I've dubbed all the host segments onto audiotape (it's easier to transcribe them that way).
Here's what I've got, all at full SPeed on T120 or T160 brand-name tapes:
"Alien 3" (1992) from 9-13-97
Body Armor (end cut off) 4-22-00, see posted Host segments
Big Trouble In Little China, 10-19-97, see posted Host segments
Barbarella (1967) 9-13-97, see posted Host segments
Back To The Future, 10-98, see later posted Host segments
Carrie, with 10-30-99 host segments looking for the Nair Witch Project, see later posted Host segments

Child's Play 2, with 10-30-99 Nair Witch Project host segments, see earlier posted Joe Bob's review of movie only
Phantasm, with 10-30-99 Nair Witch host segments (end cut off, did they ever find the Witch?)
Conquest of the Planet of the Apes (end cut off) 5-00, see posted Host segments
Conan the Destroyer, 11-1-97, different host segments than posted Host segments
Capricorn One, 11-15-97 Capricorn One page
Dragnet (1987), missed intro segment 9-11-99, see posted Host segments
The Devil's Rain (1975) 9-11-99, see posted Devil's Rain page
Spielberg's "Duel" (1971) 8-1-98
Forbidden Planet 8-99, guest Anne Francis, see posted Host segments
Galaxis (1995)see posted Host segments
Godzilla (1956) and Godzilla Vs. Mothra, 5-23-98
Hercules In New York (1970, aka Hercules Goes Bananas), 11-1-97
Elvira host segments for The Human Duplicators, end cut off/joined in progress, posted Host segments
Halloween 2, for description see Halloween 2
Leviathan (1989 version, joined in progress), see posted Host segments
Mars Attacks! 8-99, see posted Host segments
Prehistoric Women (1967, end cut off), 5-98, by the writer/director of One Million Years B.C.
Somewhere In Time (end cut off), Christopher Reeve
Swamp Thing, 2-98, different than posted Host segments
Ice T in Surviving The Game (end cut off, remake of "Most Dangerous Game"), 7-25-98 with Joe Bob's in-studio guest Ice T
Star Trek 2:The Wrath Of Khan, 4-99, see posted Host segments
Spaceballs (Mel Brooks SW spoof), 1-15-00, see posted Host segments. Comb the desert!
Theodore Rex, 10-19-97 you've got to smell the roses
Teen Wolf (the one with Michael J. Fox), 2-98
Troll (from the makers of Ghoulies)
John Carpenter's They Live (1988), 8-98 with guest Roddy Piper
Vincent Price's "Theatre Of Blood" 1-17-97, see posted Host segments
The Time Machine, 5-99, see posted Host segments
Time After Time, 5-99, see posted Host segments
Time After Time, different 1998 host segments
Wes Craven's New Nightmare (1994) 7-18-98, guest Wes Craven (by phone, low audio)
Wes Craven's New Nightmare, 10-31-97, different host segments
WarGames (1983), 8-22-98, guest Colonel David Hackworth, see posted Host segments
Red Dawn, 8-22-98, guest Col. Hackworth
When Dinosaurs Ruled The Earth (1970 official sequel to One Million Years BC), 5-98
Willy Wonka, 8-98 host segments, see posted Host segments
Willy Wonka, 4-98 host segments, guest is film's director (by phone, low audio)
What's Up Tiger Lily? (1966) with in-studio guest Woody Allen (I don't recognize the 1966 host)
You want more? All right, I'll add half-dozen more tapes to this list including:
Howard The Duck (1997 host segments, missed intro)
Donovan's Brain (also from 1997) is that Nancy Reagan in a sci-fi movie?!
Deadly Friend (1-97 Superbowl host segments)
"Midnight Offerings" (1st hour only)
The Omen (part of Joe Bob's January 1997 Superbowl marathon, followed by Village Of The Giants)
"Godzilla vs. Monster Zero" & "Godzilla's Revenge"
"Project Shadowchaser"
"The Lost Boys" with fangs, final host segment only

Note: Due to technical problems, all email sent to tvg@scifans.com last year was erased. If you already sent me an offer to buy/sell/trade videotapes, I need to hear from you again. The fairest way I can do this is $5 an hour plus shipping, $10/hour with Joe Bob but without commercials. Free shipping for $50 or more (or if order would be just over $50 with shipping). Let me know what you want and I'll see how many hours it comes to. Also have many MST-3000 tapes of titles not available from Amazon.com and other commercially-unavailable tv-shows back to mid-1984. Keep circulating the tapes
Bill Laidlaw, 524 Printz Rd, Arroyo Grande CA 93420
or P.O. Box 3, Arroyo Grande CA 93421
I don't like to disturb the spiders that live in my rural street mailbox, so I usually check the PO Box more often, but you can use either address

eBooks website and individual eBooks for sale including reproduction rights: eStorebooks.com Get Your Own!

Joe Bob's new official site can be found at www.joebobbriggs.com.

Joe Bob Briggs bio from 1999 (he blooms anywhere)
There are books by Joe Bob Briggs available on the bio page, but none about Monstervision

If you miss Joe Bob's voice, there's a new DVD of Jesse James Meets Frankenstein's Daughter with commentary by Joe Bob Briggs, and his website gets a small royalty if you use this link to buy it from Amazon.com

This vast website devoted to Monstervision built and maintained by half-vast fans

Click here to blow up the world

Best movies ever made by Japanese guys in monster suits...with links to Monstervision's host segments for "Godzilla" and "Godzilla vs Mothra" (Joe Bob just loved the tiny women who sing to Mothra)

See if your favorite person, TV series or
motion picture is available on video/books:

In Association with Amazon.com

Click here if you would like me to give you all my money

A word from God

For creepy music, try Dark Shadows

Or Brimstone

Avast ye mateys, here there be ice pirates ... Joe Bob's review & Drive-In Totals for Ice Pirates

Big Trouble In Little China fans, for a free computer game based on your favorite movie, go to the Big Trouble In Little China computer game on the Wingkong.net fan website for free download. And don't worry if you don't get the rules right away, you weren't brought into this world to get it, Mr. Burton.
And here's Kurt Russell's opinion of Osama Bin Ladin.
Back to TV Listings on www.Scifans.com

Email: scifanscom@yahoo.com

Click here to sign up for a weekly Email from Joe Bob, news you can't use, guaranteed. Want to drop Joe Bob a note? Send email to joebob@joebobbriggs.com

Longer version of that music the Phantom plays on a pipe organ

Click here for Christine (the movie review & host segments, not the demon-possessed car from Hell itself)

Or visit Boris Karloff, he's lonely

Kolchak, the Night Stalker page

Lock your doors, lock your windows, and click here for the "Halloween" movies

Halloween is 20 years old, happy birthday!

If you are just surfing the 'net because you can't sleep, click here for appropriate music

"Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you walk into an open sewer and die" - Mel Brooks

Wanna get rich running a fan website? You might as well be walking on the Sun

Twin Peaks host segments and five more blond jokes

Animated graphics © 2003 by The Animation Factory.
For over 100,000 Premium Web Animations and Graphics click here!

This page © the great and powerful Bill Laidlaw. Be vewy vewy qwiet. I'm hunting wabbits. Bad, bad talking-cat

® Monstervision is a registered trademark of nobody

This electric site

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Or if you prefer:
If you don't contribute, you'll regret it

Click here to hear your computer scream again

Or here to hear Return of the Living Dead themesong

Please note: this website is for intelligent people, not this guy
Was that the boogie-man?

Guess who's coming to dinner

Welcome to the party, pal

Monstervision Error 404 Page (it's fun)

See anything on this page you don't like? Contact the Webmaster. Not to be confused with the Puppet Master. Whatever you do, for God's sake, don't attempt to contact the zombie/undead "Puppet Master." You've been warned. That's all I can do.

Episodes of Wierd Science can be seen on Starz channel "Wam" What do you little maniacs want to do first?

The Visitors are coming to the Sci-Fi Channel in a remake of "V" with Robert Englund of Nightmare On Elm Street as a "friendly" alien

Greetings from The Visitors

Hamster Dance!

Or visit the Neko homepage

Click here if you want to be a spammer

Note: if you want to printout this page, be sure your printer is set to black ink & no background. And that it has ink in it. And paper


What was the question again?

Click here if you wanna croak

Please don't feed the People Under The Stairs

I never would have dreamed it would turn out to be the bees!

John Deere stands behind everything he makes - except the manure spreader

Banned ad for Stephen King's The Langoliers (the tv-network guy thought it would scare women).
Your arm's too short to box with Satan

42% of all statistics are fake

Click here to force Chico Marx to do your bidding

Or here for the latest 2003 news about the Howard the Duck sequel

It's official...Joe Bob has hooked up with The Scream Channel, a newly-formed cable network delivering horror, suspense, thriller oriented entertainment. The network is slated to launch January of 2005. More info as it develops.

A man comes home to find his blond wife, who can't boil water without burning it, crying.
"What's the matter?"
"I just baked my first cake and the cat ate it."
"There, there, we'll get a new cat."

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Sign MonsterVision Guestbook

Haunted houses in California

They're creepy and they're kooky, mysterious and ookie, they're altogether spooky, the Addams Family

The drive-in will never die!!!