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SMOOTH COAT CURLIES~ Also known as straight coated Curlies.

*What are Smooth Coat Curlies?
Although it sounds like an oxymoron, Smooth Coat or straight Curlies are the offspring of a Curly X Curly or Curly X smooth coated Curly or Curly X other breed that is born without curls and have a visible straight hair coat, called "Smooth Coat Curlies"

*Why are Smooth Coat/ visibly straight coated Curlies any different than other horses with straight hair?
Amazingly many Smooth Coated Curlies are found to be hypoallergenic to allergy sufferers like many curly coated Curlies. These Smooth Coated Curlies have seemingly inherited the hypoallergenic qualities from their Curly coated parent(s). Studies have shown that Curly coated horses have less of the protein that causes allergies to horses in people sensitive to that protein. It has yet to be sudied if the Smooth Coat has also inherited less of that protein. Yet most SC's are hypoallergenic like their Curly coated relatives. So often the SC's have all the wonderful attributes of the Curly horse, including personality and athletic qualities, they are just missing the visible Curls in their coat. Several coat types have been found in the Smooth Coat including a plush coat called Bunny Fur ('bf'). It is very soft and resembles rabbit hair or a teddy bear's plush coat. They often have lynx ears, very fuzzy ear hair and tuffs at the base of the inside of ears in winter. Some show a minor amount of curls in fetlocks, on neck or rump, legs, etc and are called Minor Curled ('mc') Smooth Coats. Others look stick straight and are called Visibly Straight ('vs') Smooth Coats. Regardless of the coat type found in SC's they have shown hypoallergenic qualities.

*Why would I want a Smmoth Coat Curly over a Curly coated Curly?
Some people are just not fond of Curly coats & dredlock manes & tails :), but still want a hypoallergenic horse that has the sweet temperament and athletic qualities the Curlies are known for. The SC is the perfect solution. Many breeders value the SC to breed to their homozygous Curly stallions & extreme Curly stallions. SC mares are valued as broodmares. SC stallions are a great choice to breed to homozygous and extreme Curly mares. The Smooth Coat's are the Curly horses best kept secret!

*Where can I find an SC for sale?

There are Smooth Coat Curlies available every year.

Hear what owners are saying about their fabulous Smooth Coats!

I have a nice Smooth Coat mare, Strawberry Frost, I like her the best of all my curly mares. She is by The Yellow Hornet. Her dam is a SC Curly. She has wonderful horse sense and is put together very nice. She had a foal as a three year old and handled it all like a pro. She even accepted an orphan foal to hang out with her. She is the perfect match for my extreme stallion. Joan Collins Poplargate Farm website:

Gracie is MY favorite riding horse, in fact, although she is rebred for a 2004 foal, I will not be rebreeding her as I miss riding her too much! I trained her to ride at three and she is now five. She goes english mostly, but we ride her western too. She is every bit a curly IMO - she is full curly bred, Elko Nevada x Ms. Pinup Curl, and she is a perfect cross with my extreme stallion. Sadly we lost Gracie, she is missed greatly. Shelly W YES she is hypoallergenic. In above photo, my daughter is leaning over and touching Gracie's head, that is my daughter with the allergies - note she is riding bareback and with short sleeves. She's been to a few shows and always does well, she jumps, is trail safe, she give lessons to beginners and intermediates. Shelly Curly Standard Place: Standing Hypoallergenic Stallion *Sandman's Magic, sooty dun, sport horse Yes, I have lots of positive things to say about this mare!

WindyK Nick at Night This super cute pinto colt was born of two Curly parents, but forgot to get his "curly coat gene" while on the assembly line.. Nick is perhaps my favorite of all the foals we have had born here so far. He is very friendly, quite polite in his quest for attention and an outstanding mover! His mom is a half Belgian Curly, and his sire is a nicely refined Curly stallion. Nick got the best of both worlds.. I recently had a very allergic young lady out to meet Nick and she spent quite a long time handling him and had no reaction at all to him. It was pretty neat to watch. Withen minutes Nick was following her around the pasture and probably would have gone on home with her if he could have fit in their car. Nick is for sale, inquire at or

WindyK Siouxper Smooth Sid is yearling gelding that while not curly has tested hypo-allergenic with a number of allergy sufferers.. His coat is completely straight and yet seems to have a quality to it that "normal" horses don't have.. It is very very soft and sort of shimmers when he walks (winter coat). Sid displays typical "Curly" temperment in that he is a people lover and quite laid back about new experiences. Sid is for sale, inquire at or

WINDY K SANDSTORM This handsome SC boy was bred by Windy K Curlies

WindyK Ray Charles Chuck is my first straight foal born at our farm. It is possible that he is actually a minimally expressed Curly as he does get somewhat wavey in the winter. But until we have a genetic test for the curly gene, we consider him a "straight Curly".. Chuck has always been an outstanding example of a Curly horse. Having a wonderfully engaging personality and showing real ability athletically. Chuck has been a jumping horse from day 1.. As a foal he delighted in leading his dam over the jumps set up in the arena. Yes, that is right, he would go over them rather then around.. As a yearling colt, he excelled at jumping my pasture fences so that he could visit the unbred mares and fillies.. Yes, Chuck was made a gelding shortly after he refused to stay put in his pastures. As a two year old Chuck continues to delight in jumping out of pastures to go exploring the neither reaches of my farm.. I watched him one day, he just calmly trotted up to the fence and popped over it (3 ft). Jumping is as natural to him as walking is to us, just another way to get where you are going in his mind! Chuck has been allergy tested by several allergic people.. To date only one had any symptoms at all. A man that normally breaks out in huge hives (raised welts actually) had a slight redness of the skin after spending about 2 hrs with Chuck and rubbing his hair right on his arm. A different, extremely allergic man (whoses eyes are known to swell shut from normal horses) had no reaction what so ever to Chuck.

Bunny's CURLY Pages