CMP~Awards 4 U!
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Welcome to the Award section of the Cosmic Moon Power. Here you can apply to win an award. The awards below are samples of the actual. Here are the basic requirements:
1. You must have a web site for the majority of the awards.
2. You may NOT have any hentai material.
3. You must have signed our guestbook.
4. You must have our banner on your page (I check!).
5. Rules 2-4 do not apply for Fanfic web sites.

If you would like to view some previous winner's pages please do so:Winners


Cosmic Manga Award
This award will be given to a website that either has a wonderful Manga picture gallery, or is a Manga website. This site MUST be Sailor Moon or Sailor V. There may be no broken links on this page. If you would like to apply for this award please e-mail Me

Page of the Month
Each month an award will be given to a wonderful site. Each month will have a different looking award. The requirements are the ones above, plus you site my have something extra special about it, something out of the ordinary along with the normal things found on a anime webpage. You page DOES NOT have to be Sailor Moon, but MUST be Anime. There can be no broken links or sloppy set-ups. If you want to apply for this award e-mail Me.

Outer Award
The Outer Award is for Sailor Moon sites only! The web site must have plenty of information of the Outer Soldiers (Including Saturn) and pictures of the individual Scouts. To apply for this award, clickHere

Extraordinary Graphic Design
Only graphic studios may apply for this award. The site must be anime, but does not have to be Sailor Moon. The site must offer free graphics and help with HTML. If you know of a site or would like to apply for you own site please e-mail me.

Villain Page Award
Besides the requirements above, your page must be about the Sailor Moon villains. I’m looking for good information and good pictures. If you would like to apply please e-mail me.

Award of Beauty
To receive this award you must have a beautiful site set-up. There can not be broken links and the whole site must look great (that means EVERY page). To apply e-mail me.

Cosmic Cute Award
The site must be cute! And all the standards above must be met. Also the site should have a nice layout, that seems to make the site fun and outgoing. To apply e-mail me.

Creative Page Award
Your site must be Anime and have something about Sailor Moon. The site also must be creative. Like your site is a coloring book, or your own online comic. To apply e-mail me.

Wonderful Fanfic Author Award
This award isn’t for a site. It is awarded to certain fanfic authors who stand above the rest of the writers. You may not apply for yourself. And the story can not be Hentai! To apply e-mail me.

Wonderful Fanfic Page Award
If your site is a fanfic archive then you’ve met every requirement! So e-mail me!

There are also two other awards, the "Moon Power Award" and the highest award this page can give you the "Cosmic Moon Power Award"! Since both of these are high honors one can not apply for these, but if you do apply for another award and by chance recive this one, or if I stumble upon your site and feel you deserve it than it's history! lol!