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How To Use This Site


This is the online version of the Search For Truth Home Bible Study Program. This information is being offered at NO COST as a means of winning people to Jesus Christ.

This course consists of ten lessons that take you from Genesis through the book of Revelation by using 61 colorful charts. For years, this lesson series has been taught in people's homes and now is available on the internet as a self-study course.

Let me emphasize, the best way to take this course is for an individual to teach it to you personally in your own home. This way you can ask questions and hear thorough explanations of the Biblical principles being taught. Since it is not always possible to have the teacher come to your home, this online version is the next best alternative.

These lessons will not try to get you to join any particular church. The Bible is the final authority on the issues being studied. You will be guided through the Bible to let it speak for itself of what is necessary for a person to be truly saved. An email address will be provided for you to ask questions on any area in which you would like further information. It is the intent of these lessons to inspire you to make a decision for Christ.


From the Table of Contents page, click on the lesson outline you wish to view. On the left side of the page you will see page numbers that refer to the charts. Click on the page number and you will be able to view the chart. Please allow a few moments for the page to load. Use your browser's back button to return to the lesson outline or use the left arrow icon at the bottom of the page. Under each page of the charts there are navigational links that will take you to the next chart, previous chart, or the corresponding lesson outline. This will help you navigate through the charts.

You need to have your Bible so you can look up the scripture references given. Click on the left arrow button at the bottom of the outline page to return to the Table of Contents. There will be various links throughout the lesson outlines that will take you to web pages that can provide further information on a given topic.


Written by: Craig R. Cordle


Click on arrow to return to Table of Contents page