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Jemima wanders through the junkyard hoping to find Giselle, when she wakes up Jennyanydots. They talk for a bit and then Jenny offers to show Jemima an old freezer to use as a prospective home. Jemima thinks that it's a perfect home, and introduces her mate, Avion to Jenny.

Sarai is back in the yard and is looking for Gareth. She meets up with Pouncival and Jemima.

Spitz, Aryn and Aryk decide to go exploring. They set off for the Pond, to see who can catch the most fish. Spitz is a good swimmer, and she soaks the other two.

Telemain agrees to teach Luna a musical instrument, in trade for something else. She finds a conch shell, and he accepts it in trade for some lessons. Luna tries a few instruments to see what she'd be good at. She likes the flute, and he trades her for a flute to keep.

Jenna-Lyn brings Baskin to her family's box, to meet her parents and her sister. She reveals to her family - and her mate - that she is pregnant with his kittens.

As soon as Jenna and Baskin leave Kyoto and Electra alone in the car trunk, the tension there eases. Electra and Kyoto both confess to each other that when they hinted at someone special in their lives, they meant each other.

Rumpleteazer has recovered from a run-in with a burglar. She begins plotting how to escape from the hotel room she is occupying with Mungo, and return to the junkyard. When the bellboy brings food up to their room, they slip between his legs and escape into the elevator. In the lobby, they run into Cat Morgan, who often hangs around the Russel Hotel.

Coricopat and Tantomile return to the junkyard, greeted by Cassandra. Cassandra and Coricopat seem distanced by something in the past, perhaps he was an old flame [?] and Coricopat soon slinks away but Cassandra stops him, saying it was nice to see a friend, but Coricopat leaves anyway. Kato appears, and greets Cassandra. Introductions involving long titles follow. Soon after, they leave Tantomile to be alone, in the woods. A stranger in the woods makes himself known, snapping some twigs. They implore the stranger to come out. Shady emerges and talks of the end being near before leaving. This successfully unsettles Cassandra, and Kato tries to reassure her.

In the yard, Cathryn enlists Carbon and Shadow's help in finding Damia's kittens, Aryk and Aryn. It's getting dark and the mother is getting worried. They decide to split up - Cathryn and Damia looking towards the lake, Shadow looking closer to the mountains and Settican and Carbon looking near the city. Kyoto and Electra join the group and join Shadow's group to search near the mountains. They all smell the blanket the kittens sleep on and start looking.

Damia and Cathryn find the kittens at the pond/lake, and the search groups are called back, except for Shadow's group, which had already left to search. Aryk and Aryn get a lecture from their mother about running off.