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The Jellicle Junkyard Players

Please note that this is not the character registration.

ScreennameM/FCharactersTime ZoneDaysTimesAIM/ICQ/E-mailBirthday
BigFuzzy M Darius, Fett, Scraps CST No tellin' morning or late night weekdays; weekends vary 8/15/73
Bombalurina F Endymion, Desdemona (Hasn't been posting lately) EST Weekends Weekends afternoon, or weekday nights Darina255) June 27th
Carl M Ben, Claude EST some of them some times Venoym99, 31747714, 12-11-81
Catnip F Catnip PST 5 --- 3/3/90
Chelly F Starlight, Afra, Damia, & Luna CST all week usually, normally with 1-3 days only being on 3 hours in the evening whenever my husband is at work Luna4980 (most normally, will IM anyone if I'm using one of my MANY others), 59881997, 4-9-80
Cheshire F Cheshire & Shady EST Sunday - Saturday when I can Evenings: 8pm-10pm till 1am on weekends January 4th
Chrys F Chrychaesa, Gabrielle, Dayna, Alonzo PST Most days Evenings, varying times, some days Chrychaesa, N/A, February 5th
Enigma M Enigma CST All if possible 4-6pm March 20th
Etcetera F Etcetera, Mia, Lee, Nark, Cleopat (Hasn't been posting lately) EST Whenever I can afternoons by request. :o) January 31
Heather F Kali EST Mostly All ALL EXCEPT - Parts of Sunday, Tuesdays (A.M.) and Thursdays (A.M.) AnimeKat18 October 29th
Jemimacat F Jemimacat CST Anytime I can Usually nights: 10:00 and beyond.Sometiems during the day, no specific time Jemima4870, 36675312, December 31
Jennyanydots F Jennyanydots ? weekends ? n/a
Kris M Mirage, Slade CST Thursday-Tuesday Any day but Tuesday nights (7:00-10:00), Sunday morning, (12:00-3:00) and Monday night (7:00-8:00) Heero Yuy920, 3437841, September 20th
Kyo M Kyo EST any day, unless something is happeneing. I really can't tell in advance... in the evening AIM- Eipretac13 ICQ- Dilsnick13 (#82627569) 11/13/86
Lustick F Lustick CST monday-friday lunch and around 3:00 Jan. 21st
MsJellicle F Similyn, Sarai, Alarielle, Demeter PST Various Days Various Times MsJellicle, August 31st
Munks F Munkustrap, Percival EST Almost every day On weekdays, anywhere from 2:00 to just about 6:00 (PM). On Sat., before 9 AM, after 3:00 PM. On Sun., before 10:00 AM, after 6:30 PM Glory Flight/Wind Warrior B, 32254736 (Munkustrap), July 28
Nick-Ko-Las M Nick-Ko-Las, Macavity PST Sunday-Saturday, depending Evenings from 7-9:30 Sun-Wed, later other nights. Depending. By request, By request, By request August 10th
Puchead1 F Mistofelees CST all 4- 10 pm puchead1@aol,com April 10th
Saffity F Paerionki, Electra EST Everyday (but amount of time on varies) i'm on at anytime... it kinda depends what I'm doing. AIM: Saffirejewl/ Email: October 12
Sam M Sam, Jackson, Polo CST every day accept sunday after 4pm till 10pm weekends and holidays all day Rpging man22 oct 7
Sam (Valentina) F Angel, Valentina, Sierra, Sorra CST mon-friday after 4 or between 4 and 9 02-15-1988
Shadow F Troubador, Tabetha, Gareth, Shadow EST M-F during the day sometime; 10-2? aim=by request; November 22nd
Sillabub F Sillabub, Nathaniel, Track Liam (Hasn't been posting lately) EST depending afternoons, evenings usually no later than 11 pm Sillabub3, N/A, December 15th
Silvercat F Terossa, Godiva, Vanilla, Lucky CST Mon, Tues, Thur, Sat and Sun After 5pm ...occationally before 11am 38743932 Aug 8, 19XX (Not Telling!)
Tantomile (Chris) F Tantomile EST Usually all, but school is starting soon. Like six or seven AM, or then in the afternoon (In other words: when Munks doesn't hog the computer!!!) I can only be on for an hour though. Tragicalrocker, 32691079, July 28
Tuggerine F Rum Tum Tugger Germany Most weekends, and during the week alternate days from the afternoon till late at night, or evenings.. Germany is 6 hours ahead, so if you on the east side go online at 10 pm its already 4 am over here.

If your name does not appear on the following list, or you would like to change information on the list, please fill out the form below. Thank you.


Your Screenname:

Male or Female: Male Female

Characters you play *Note: you don't have to list all of your characters, just the main ones you RP.:

What time zone are you in?
Eastern Standard Central StandardPacific Standard

What days of the week are you usually on to RP?

What time during the day can you usually be on to RP?

AIM, ICQ, or an E-mail address?

Your birthday:



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