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Tugger Returns

Posted 6/4/02

The Rum Tum Tugger strolled casually swaying his hips down the road twirling his tail and curiously looking around himself. He had been away a long time, away from the junkyard he grew up in. He had travelled around the country, lived in the cities, hung around bars and nightclubs, joined some gangs, lived on the streets, well, let's say, he's seen and done it all and one day, it struck his go back to the junkyard, to see if anyone still was there, the tiny baby kittens must have grown up now and others may be mated with new kittens.

He had suddenly longed for home. Now he strolled through town, that had changed quite a bit and passed the vet. Dammit! He had to turn off here somewhere to get to the junkyard, or was it further down? he put his paw to his lips. Maybe he even past it already. He saw a group of cats standing around and approached a tom, Troubadour. "uuh, I say, mate, do me a favour, move me into the direction of the junkyard, you know the one I'm talking off?" he put on his most charming smile for the ladies with Troubadour.

"Hold that thought, Troubador..." she says, waiting for him to answer the new toms question. She smiled back at him. She had much more important things to be thinking of than flirting, but this new tom was sorta cute. She winked.

Lustick smelt something musty running through the air. Her vision was never very good but her sense of smell was top notch. It was smoke. It seemed to be coming from the junkyard. "Troubador..." she called quietly, with a voice that assumed that he senses something too.

Tugger still waited for Troubadour's answer, with his paws on his elastic studded belt, that he kept on extending to all directions as he waited, eyeing up Lustick with a raised brow and a cute grin.

Rumpleteazer watched the cats from the edge of the canopy covering a door. She had to barely contained her infamous giggle as she listened in to the conversation. They didn't even know she was there! What a hoot! Whoa! A tom had just walked up. Wait. He looked familiar! Was it? Could it be? Tugger!!! She couldn't contain her giggle anymore! Won't Mungo be jealous?! Course he'd scold her for giggling and giving herself away if he were here....but...he's not. She grinned broadly.

Tugger still trying to check out Lustick, while he waited for Troubadour to give him the information about where that junkyard was, suddenly got distracted by a giggle not too far away. He turned his head and looked around. He couldn't see anyone. Whoever it was must be hiding somewhere. Tugger looked back at Lustick, his mouth gaping, his tongue playing unconsciously with the corner of his mouth as he looked at her. His belt was drawn down playfully over his loins, he looked cool, and charming. So he hoped. He turned his head again, when suddenly he realized that giggle was familiar.

Oh, she couldn't help it! She started laughing outright! In fact, she laughed so har, she began to roll over and hold her tummy! Whoops! She rolled just a little too far and she scrambled to keep herself from falling off the canopy! "Yipes!" Next thing she knew, she was hanging by her claws on the edge of the canopy kicking her legs as she tried to get herself uprighted! "Oy! I'm in trouble!" She said it matter-of-factly.

Troubador started to turn to point out the direction of the Yard, grinning to himself about the coincedence. Yet, there was something wrong. He only half heard what the others said, as his nose twitched and sniffed. "Something is wrong at the Junkyard. I must go." The large black tom took off at a dead run, heading down the street, then turning into an alley.

Lustick bolted away behind Troubador. She followed him threw the alley way, and called "Whast going on?" not really expecting an answer from him. She feared her answer would arrive much to soon for her liking as they approached the junkyard...

Tugger listened to the description of how to get to the junkyard and just when he took a breather to thank Troubadour and extend his paw for introduction, the fellow rushed off to get there first, so it seemed. "...and nice to meet you too..!" Tugger said to himself feeling a bit idiotic standing there with his paw extended and no-one around to take it.

Obviously it had something to do with that burning smell in the air. Tugger lifted his chin and sniffed around. Just then he heard that giggling sound again, that turned into full blown laughter. Tugger propped his paws to his hips. "oookkayy!! where are you hiding? This can only be Rumpleteazer's giggle! I'd recognized it anywhere." Tugger raised a brow and grinned and looked around to see where the head would pop up.

She let go of the canopy and landed smack dab on top of Tugger!! "I'm righ' 'ere!" With another giggle, she jumped off him and dusted herself off. "Whot 'ave you been up to? 'aven't seen you 'round 'ere in ages!" She grinned again. She couldn't help grinning at the tom. He was so cute! Well, Mungo was cuter, but hey! One could look couldn't she?

"Ooffff!" Tugger felt a thump on his back unexpectedly. He hadn't thought of her appearing right on top off him, he nearly toppled over. Luckily she slid off his back quickly. "Aah! There your are sweetheart," Tugger grinned at Rumple broadly, giving her a wink. "And became even prettier than before. Was I gone all that long? it didn't feel like that." Tugger thwapped his mane and puffed up his chest, standing very tall in front of her. He brushed his curl out of his eyes and lifted his chin a little. "Well, Rumple, its a long story, I've been around, lets say that much, done it all seen it all, you know?" he moved his eye-brows up and down suggestively. "Say, where's Mungojerrie, your"

"Oy! Tha' bloke's got me mad at 'im! 'e took me pearls an' said tha' 'e wouldn't give 'em back 'till I stops gigglin'!" She raised her arms and shrugged. "I can't 'elp it! It's part 'o me nature!" (I'm just kinda making this up off the top of my head here. ) She giggled again and took a step towards him. He was just too handsome! And he was flirting with her! Well...okay...he flirts with all the queens...but still....

Tugger grinned knowingly. "Oh you two had an argument? how can one get into an argument, with such a lovely queen as you are." Tugger back to sweet-talking. He winked at her again pointing to the canapee. "And what are you doing in the middle of the street lying around on a sofa, while there is smoke coming from the direction of the..uh..the junkyard!?" Tugger was good at exaggerations and words.

Mungojerrie tiptoed along the road with a colourful striped sack over his shoulders bursting with...goods!? well a wonderful smell was coming from it. Mungojerrie had watched Rumple go all gooy over Tugger, his old mate, and now he squashed himself flat to the wall at the corner of the vet's building so they wouldn't see him. He wanted to just watch this a tiny bit longer. The smirk had vanished from his face and a sullen expression had taken its place. Good old Tugger back just one minute, and already up to his old tricks. *no' wiff me Rumple!* Mungojerrie thought, but he wanted to find out first how far she would go. Slowly he peeked round the corner.

"I didn' do it! 'onest I didn'!!" She glanced at the smoke coming from the direction of the junkyard. "I'm steerin' clear o' tha' place cause I didn' do it!" She gave a pout on her face. Awww...she had enjoyed his compliments then he had to go and mention that smoke. She glanced around the area wondering what was really going on at the junkyard. Well, Troubador was on his way. He can help. What can she do anyhow? Wait a minute. Did she just see Mungo? Rumple gave a half grin as she got an idea. "Oy! Tugger. Whot says me an you goes an gets somethin' ta eat?" If she was right and she really HAD seen Mungo, then she was going to make him jealous as payback for taking her pearls! Then again, if she was wrong...well, Tugger isn't bad company now isn't he? She grinned.

Tugger chuckled throwing his head back a little. "Are you absolutely sure it's not caused by you, whats happening over there at the junkyard? Hehehee!!" With the place smoking like that Tugger didn't really feel like entering yet. He sniffed the air. "I smell something rather delicious closeby.." But before he could turn towards the corner where Mungojerrie was hiding, RUmple kinda let him away. "Yeah, something to eat, hey good idea, Sweetheart!" Tugger put the arm around her shoulder. "Lead the way, pretty queen!" he grinned.

Rumpleteazer gave him a broad grin and slowly led the way towards a small cafe where fish is their specialty. "They's got good fish we can snatch like a cinch!" Her heart fluttered a little when Tugger put his arm around her shoulders. Watch it! She reminded herself. She's still with Mungo....even if Tugger's handsome. But this was still fun! She hoped Mungo saw them and was jealous by now. long should she let this go on?

"Fish!!! good choice Rumple!" Tugger licked his lips and went along with her to that café. When they got there he sniffed around and before he could say anything the side door on the café opened and someone chucked out a bucketfull of fish-rest into the backyard right onto a grassy patch. Tugger grinned. "I hadn't ordered yet but you read my mind, Human." Tugger slapped Rumple's butt and rested his paw on the delicious soft curve.

Mungojerrie peeked around the corner, then with a start he stepped around it looking bewildered. Where did they go??? He just saw them standing there a moment ago and...Tugger..who used to be his friend, had his arm around Rumple's shoulder!!! Grrrrr!!! He sniffed and tried to follow their scent. They couldn't be far. Mungo sneaked around the road and down an alley path. He heard Tugger's voice. Oh! royte! Mungo sneaked up to a little yard where it smelled of fish! For a moment he was distracted but then as he looked through the bushes he could just about see Tuggers paw on Rumple's butt. AAAAhhh!!!! Mungo was shaken with jealousy.

Her eyes opened wide and she jumped a little to the side. She opened her mouth to tell him to keep his paws to himself, but stopped herself. That wouldn't make Mungo jealous. He'd know she was just trying to get a reaction...if he was watching. Teazer glanced around to see if she could see him before picking up some fish.'d be just like that Mungo to not be around when she was doing all this just for him! The brat!

Tugger was fishing for fish..(oh!)digging in the fish heap for the most delicious one then threw it in the air and stepped around to catch it with his mouth. "Yummy!!!" he said and wiped his mouth. Then he picked another one and dangled it in front of Rumple's mouth. "Try and get it, Babes, try and get it." he made it hard for her to catch it and put his second paw back on her butt. Thanks to heavyside layer for the wonderful invention of queens butts!!! Tugger was praying quietly.

Mungo was fuming!! Rumple let this bugger grab her butt all the time and didn't even stop him!! oh! he was soo mad!! He opened his sack and rummaged around it till he found...his sling!! Hehehe!! Mungo was chuckling quietly to himself and put down his sack to pick up some stones to put in the sling, then he lay on his tummy behind the bush and pulled the rubber containing the stone, aimed at Tugger's butt and let it go. The stone met it's aim in an instant. And Mungojerrie rolled on the floor chuckling quietly when Tugger jumped and held his butt yelling loud.

"'ere now! If'n I wants ta play with me food, I'll play wit it meself!" She grabbed for the slippery fish, then gasped as she felt his paw on her derrier (sp?) again! This time she started to tell him to keep his paws to himself, but she wan't heard as Tugger suddenly yelled and held his own butt! Teazer's face spread wide in glee! That meant that Mungo WAS around here somewhere and he WAS jealous!! Oh! Wait! She's not supposed to be happy about this. She started to giggle. But it was sooo funny!!!! She couldn't help herself and began to laugh out loud. "Whatsa matta' Tugger?" She tried desperately to get her face back into some sort of a serious composure.

Tugger jumped in the air, yelling loud and holding his butt. "Oouuch!! darn!! What was that?" he rubbed his butt, and pulled a face, that really hurt. He saw Rumple starting to laugh at him. "Hey, thats not fair..!" before he could go and spank the queen, another large stone thumbed at his butt, Tugger yelled again. "Ok, now.. thats no coincidence he walked into the direction the stone had come and checked behind the bush. Nothing!! he looked around. "Ok, you little nutter, come out here this instant." Tugger pulled a face again, rubbing his butt leisurely.

Oh this was a joy! Teazer sat down and began to eat her fish and enjoy the show! Oh boy. What was she going to say to Mungo? Er....what was she going to say to Tugger? She did actually like the bloke....when he wasn't reaching for her rear-end that is! Eh, she figured he was used to it. Wait a minute. She stood up and glanced around. Maybe she could egg this on a little longer! She walked over to Tugger. "Forge' 'oever tha' prankster is! Loo' over thar," she pointed out a jewelry store. "We c'n get me some new pearls!" She made sure she said that loud enough for Mungo to hear. Was she milking this too far? After all, her plans were ususally the ones that fail. But this one seemed to be going so well!

Tugger still looked around for whoever did that. "What is it Rumple? you want what? Pinch some pearls? Isn't that normaly Mungo's departement?" Tugger shrugged and followed Rumple. "As long as you can get the door open, I'm a sport, lets have a look." Tugger came up very close behind Rumple. He was so keen on queens body's. He pursed his lips looking at Rumples rear.

Pearls? Did he just hear something about pearls? His paw dissappeared in this sack and pulled out a long necklace of white pearls. He had tried to teach Rumple to be quiet when on the job, her constant giggling got them into trouble all the time. Now she just gets herself Tugger to get her some new once!!! What was the point of that?? He was her partner in crime, and not only in crime. Mungo stuffed the pearls back in his bag. He sneaked after them on top of house and garage-roofs. then when he saw Rumple and Tugger at the shop window, he grabbed his sling and shot a stone at the glass which burst right in front of Tugger and Rumple and a loud sirene went off, it was the pollicle Alarm. Mungo chuckled and lay himself flat on the garage-roof closeby.

"Yipes!" She covered her face so the glass wouldn't fly into it. "Cheeze it! The Pollicles will be 'ere ina minute!" She took off running down the street, but not before glancing in the diretion of where the stone had come from that broke the window. She didn't see him anywhere, but she still shot a dirty look in that direction. That was s dirty rotten thing for Mungo to do! After all, she was just playin' around.....with a tom....who just happens to be the biggest flirt around. She refused to think about it anymore as she took off.

"oops!! How did that happen!!" Tugger jumped backwards instinctively when the glass of the shop window burst and the alarm went off, he didn't think much but just raced after Rumple. Such fun!! He only come back home to day and already he was experiencing the wildest adventoures. He was sure this was only due to meeting Rumpleteazer again. If it would have been..Jemima, things would have looked entirely diffrent. He followed Rumple in hiding.

Mungojerrie laughed mischievously until he noticed the nasty glance Rumple threw into his direction. Oh, dear! thats not really what he had intended. He thought it would give them a little fright if he'd shoot at the glass window. What was wrong with Rumple, the sport!? Was is Tugger who just dazzled her mind? He jumped down from the roof and followed the two. He had seen enough and didn't really care to watch this stuff go any further. He had his little revenge, he thought. "Wyte for me, Rumple!!! Tugga!!" he called loudly.

She rounded the corner of a building then came to a sudden halt! Leaning against the wall, she waited for Tugger and Mungo to follow as she caught her breath. That was fun...but she was still upset at Mungo. But why? She usually loved a good prank! And her little scheme actually worked! Mungo had been jealous enough to hit Tugger with rocks! Poor Tugger! She almost giggled as she remembered him jumping around and trying to figure out what was going on. But she reminded herself that she was mad at him for spoiling her fun at the store! Imagine! Him activating the alarm on his own partner!! The nerve! She heard pollicles barking in the distance and decided that she wasn't going to speak to Mungo...well, at least try. Nevermind that she's never succeeded before. She just can't stay mad at the tom!

Tugger followed Rumple and caught up with her soon. He was laughing. "Hahaha! Rumple! that was funny I say, there you wanted to go and be a naughty girl pinching jewlery and then you decide its all off, not though the alarm! I have a feeling now, whose been playing these tricks on us." Tugger grinned broadly scratching his chest-mane and thwapping it. Friendly smiling still he sat next to Rumple and watched a smaller figure dash round the corner. "Peeka-boo-boo! We're over here Mungo, in case your looking for us." Tugger laughed and crossed this legs at the ankles, propping his arms and paws behind him onto the low wall, he was sitting on to support his back.

Mungojerrie stopped his speed as good as he could. He nearly had passed by Rumple's and Tugger's hiding place. "Owe, there yer are." he walked over to them, pursing his lips a bit, as if sulky. Coming closer he first looked at Tugger then at Rumple questioningly. "Royte, sowe, tell mey, wots gowing on 'ere, ey? Oym off juss for a short woyle, oy ge' back an' me sweet'eart's 'aving a bit of fun wiff me mate, who dissappeared a long toyme agow. Well, Tugga, we didn' 'ave any trouble wiff them gerls, whoyle yer woz awye, yer know!" Mungojerrie said reproachfully, but smiled, cause after all, he was his mate. He came closer and padded Tugger shoulder. "Well, iss noyce ter see yer back." He turned to Rumple. "An' wots tha ma'a wiff me little sweet'eart then?" Mungo tilted his head to her and grinned a roguish grin.

Grr... he just had to grin that rougish grin of his!! He knew she couldn't resist that grin!! Ever since she met him on the first day she arrived in Victoria Grove, she had fallen in love with that grin. She tried to stop her own grin from forming by pouting. Instead, she just ended up making a funny face and giggled. "O I was jus' tryin' ta get ya back fer takin' me pearls, Mungo!" Glancing at Tugger she blushed ever so slightly. "Sorry 'bout tha', Tuggs. Sorry fer usin' ya like that." Now that she thought about it, she didn't think he would be upset. In fact, she'd bet that he just enjoyed every minute of it!

Mungojerrie looked first surprised and then a bit annoyed. What annoyed him particularily was, that she knew now how to make him jealous, he didn't like that at all. "Rumple, very naugh'y, very, that unfair on mey an' on Tugga.." he said pouting. He opened his bag and pulled out the pearls and gave it back to Rumple. "all becoz off them silly woolis pearls. Oy could've beaten Tugger up for grabbing yer butt loyke 'ee did, not knowin' it woz all ay game for yer. Owe, naugh'y Rumple." He said and walked over to hug her tightly, planting a kiss on her mouth.

Tugger raised his brows. He didn't do much else when he heard of Rumple's confession. Actually he had believe himself to be the one that was using Rumple, by having a good feel about her body, while he had the chance, so now he just grinned at her. When he heard that Mungo nearly beat him up he laughed loud and hearty. "Oh Mungo, now don't go overboard, you wouldn't be able to beat me up, I'm much taller than you, you can nearly pass through my outstretched arm without brushing it.....!" he chuckled and watched Mungo and Rumple making up.

Tugger crinkled his nose. That was really cute, it was surely not bad to have someone special to be with. Only up to now Tugger had never met any queen, he really, really wanted to be with except...when he was a teen, he fell madly in love, crazily, deeply with that beautiful queen and he gave her everything and trusted her for the first time in his life. If was her who betrayed him with another tom, since then... Life for him had been as it was. He had sworn himself never to let a queen do this to him anymore. Therefore he needed to be very protective of his heart, and there were ways to do that. "Right now, you two love-birds..can we get back to the junkyard? or where do you hang out?"

Teazer's grin faded as Mungo scolded her. Her mouth turned down into a small pout as her eyes began to resemble Jemima's when she looked up at Mungo. But then her eyes brightened quickly enough when he handed her the pearls. When he hugged her and then kissed her, all was right with her world again. She kissed him back, then gave him a big squeeze of a hug. "Thank ya fer me pearls back, Mungo! I promise I'll trys ta not giggle. But I won' make any guarantees." She winked at him, then turned towards Tugger. "I wanted ta say this earlier an' now I can. Keep yer paws to yerself!" She grinned. "An' you may be taller, but me Mungo is faster than ya! I'll bet ya he can beat ya to th' junkyard!" She grinned broadly and breifly wondered if that little fire was out yet.

Tugger folded his arms in front of his chest. What a cheeky pumpkin this Rumple has become. Was she always like that? He raised a brow and smirked. "What? keep my paws to myself? Pffffff!! You seemed to like it well enough before." Tugger said grinning. "You just don't want to admit it in front of Mungo. I'm sure he saw it too." Tugger's grin broadend. About the race..well your on!!" Tugger got himself into position to run. "One , two....!"

Mungojerrie held Rumple firmly in his arms, while Tugger spoke, he looked from Tugger back to Rumple and over to Tugger again, not quite sure who to believe. But what the heck. She was his queen, and his princess, and partner in crime and he would watch her well and avoid Tugger's paws getting anywhere near her again. "Royte myte, your on, oym fast, she's royte yer know. Oym used ter runnin' juss ter warn yer. Wotcher fink? yer really wanna...!" Mungo was interupted by Tuggers counting. He let go of Rumple, winked at her and went..."Threeeee!!!" and charged off towards the junkyard.

Rumple grinned and watched them leave cheering Mungo on to win the race. Then it occurred to her that they left her behind!!! "OY!! Wait fer me!!" She chased after them as fast as she could!

The Jellicle Junkyard