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How to use the newspaper editor

Please click a link below for help:
» How to edit your story
» How to use your own picture
» How to Move and Resize your own picture
» How to change the Heading / Offer
» How to Move and Close the Editors
» Any other questions

How to edit your story

Step 1:
click on the text editor
To enter your story and main title click the "Text Editor" button at the top of the page

Step 2:
click on the text editor
Click inside the "main title" box and type in your the text for your main title

Step 3:
main title size changer
Slide the slider to increase or decrease the size of the title

Step 4:
Colummn boxes
Enter your main text of your story into the column boxes

Step 5:
Colummn Slider
Slide the slider to increase of decrease the size of the text

Step 6:
click to update the page
once you are happy with your changes click update to make the changes live on the page. Remember you can always make changes by clicking the text editor button at the top of the page.

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How to use your own picture / jpeg

Step 1:
Picture Editor button
Click the Picture Editor Button at the top.

Step 2:
Picture Editor button
Click the upload button to browse and upload your button.

Step 3:
browse button
Locate your jpeg photo file on your computer by click ing the browse button.

Step 4:
upload button
once you have chosen your file click Upload and your file will begin the upload automatically.

Step 5:
image name
When your file has uploaded make note of your file name. in this case the image name would be "image"

Step 6:
close button
Click the close link to return to the page editor.

Step 7:
enter the image name
back in the image settings change the default name to your image name by typing it in (in this case we would change it to "image").
Please note only type in the image name not the file type e.g only enter "image" not "image.jpg"

Step 8:
update button
Click update to display your picture. you can also adjust the size and position by pressing the directional buttons

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How to move and resize your picture

Step 1:
Picture Editor button
Click the Picture Editor Button at the top.

Step 2:
Size Buttons
To alter the size of your images simply press and hold the size buttons

Step 3:
Position Buttons
To alter the size of your images simply press and hold the directional buttons, if you want to return the image to its original position simply click the middle button.

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How to edit your Heading or Offer

Step 1:
Heading Editor button
Click the Heading Editor Button at the top.

Step 2:
Size Buttons
To alter the type of heading click the numbers 1-5 until you are happy with your choice

Step 3:
Enter your offer or heading text
To alter the size of your images simply press and hold the directional buttons, if you want to return the image to its original position simply click the middle button.

Step 4:
slide to alter the heading text size
Slide the slider to increase of decrease the size of the text.

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How to Move and Close the Editors

To move
Press and drag to move the editor
To move the editor simply press on the word "Move" and drag the box to where you would like it. once you release the mouse button the editor will stop following the mouse

To close an editor box
click to close the editor
To close the editor box siply click on the X in the top right corner

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Any Other Questions

If you have any other questions please email and we will try our hardest to answer them

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