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Reese Durkee

Bruce Michael Hall plays Reese Durkee. Reese is Miguel's best friend. He usually wears glasses and has slicked back hair. He's really smart and the whole Harmony student population thinks of him as a geek. Except Miguel, of course. Reese has a really big crush on Kay. He's a bit confused, though, since Jessica told him that Kay liked him back. Kay doesn't like him and he gets that vibe but then Jessica will ensure him that she does. Ugh, and if Kay could just see him like this, she'd like him. (She's kinda shallow)

Chad Harris

Chad, played by Donn Swaby, was a beginner producer in L.A. in the music industry until his boss gypped him. He got so angry, he got in a fight with him and got violent. His boss made sure that he would never find a place in the music industry again. Music is Chad's life, though. And since his boss was such a bigshot, he made Chad leave L.A. with a warning that he'd do more than punch him if he ever saw him again. So Chad went through some of what his family left him before they abandoned him and found a scrap of the Harmony Herald. It said his name on it so he went to go check it out. He met a girl, Simone, who has been really nice to him in helping him discover his past. Only, her whole family seems to hate him. Chad's quite violent, which is why Whitney didn't like him. Now it's just because of her mother's influence. Eve despises Chad and attempts to keep her children away from him with weak lies and excuses. Only Whitney buys it, though. At least she convinced her mom to let her be friends with Chad. Although, Chad doesn't want to be 'just friends' with Whitney. So far, all the leads Chad has gotten on his past have: a) been hit by a car and hospitalized (by Eve, the psycho), and b) shot and killed (by a hitman after Sheridan Crane) All he got from Crystal, the lounge singer who was shot, was that his mom was black and his dad was white and his family wouldn't let him be with the mom. (ie: the Crane family didn't want 'black blood' in their empire and Eve found out too late - she was pregnant - but went through with it anyways. Then the Cranes influenced the hospital to tell her that her son was dead, and they gave it up for adoption. That's what's obivious to this point).


A map of Harmony... Just in case you were wondering! Harmony is a place in New England and that's pretty much all I know of it... Besides the fact that it's really close to Castleton.

Another Note

The article about New Years Eve - It stated that whoever's arms you were in at midnight was the person you are destined to spend the rest of the year with. Kay was in Miguel's, Charity was in Reese's, Whitney was in Chad's, Theresa was in Ethan's, Sheridan was in Luis's, Ivy was in Sam's, Eve was in Julian's... and Simone, Grace, Gwen, and Sam seem to be quite upset about it after hearing of the article. On the other hand, Kay, Ivy, Theresa, and Sheridan seem to be quite contented with their company at midnight!