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This is my Passions page. Passions is a sort of new show shown on NBC. I don't have anything to do with this show and my passions pages are just for the enjoyment of viewers. Passions is a daytime soap that's actually good! The acting may be pretty bad sometimes, but it's overall a good story. Passions is generally set in Harmony, a quiet little town with a lot of juice!

The Lopez-Fitzgerald Family

The Lopez-Fitzgerald Family is shown to the right [left to right: Theresa (Lindsay Korman), Luis (Galen Gering), Pilar (Eva Tamargo Lemus), and Miguel (Jesse Metcalf)]. The family consists of Pilar (the mom), Martin (the dad), Antonio (the oldest - not shown yet), Luis (the second oldest brother), Miguel (the youngest brother), Theresa (the oldest daughter), and Paloma (the youngest - not shown yet). Martin went missing over 10 years ago. Recently, a man posing as Martin Fitzgerald came to Harmony and died. DNA tests were run, and it was proven that the dead man was not the real Martin. The oldest son, Antonio, ran away after the father disappeared. The youngest daughter, Paloma is staying with Pilar's sister. Miguel and Theresa don't really talk about their missing family members all that much. Pilar works for the Cranes and has grown to become a family friend to them. Luis disliked the Cranes because he thought they had something to do with his father's disappearance, then he hated his father because he supposedly embezzled money from the Cranes, and now he's back to hating the Cranes. Luis is a police officer and is determined not to let the anyone get off the hook for any minor crime - including the powerful Cranes. He met Sheridan Crane when he busted her for reckless driving. He hated her for a while, but she seems to be the exception to the Cranes=Evil law, in Luis's mind. He denies his love for her but all those around the two know better. Miguel Lopez-Fitzgerald fell in love with a girl named Charity he met at the carnival. They became a small item before she was caught in a fire. He, being one of those heroic types, saved her and saved her and saved her and so on... Now they're a 'hot item'. Theresa is obsessed with the Cranes - Ethan especially. She has been for quite some time, now. She works for his mother and has spent quite some time together with him. Despite the fact that Ethan's fiancé once suspected Theresa of trying to get Ethan, she's now leaving the plans of the wedding in Theresa's hands. She believes that their time together has made him realize he loves her. *sigh*

The Cranes

The Cranes are shown on the right [l to r: Sheridan, Ivy, Julian, Ethan, and Gwen]. The Cranes are a very rich family. They practically own all of Harmony. I'm not exactly sure how rich they are but they've been in magazines and the vice president has been invited to a Crane wedding, so I'm guessing it's a lot... Alistair Crane is the patriarch of the family... They haven't shown Alistair's face yet, and I'm not sure if they will. Alistair had children; Julian and Sheridan. Julian, played by Ben Masters, met a girl named Ivy. Ivy, played by Kim Ulrich, was in love with a young man named Sam Bennett when she married Julian; and she still is. Julian and Ivy had children of their own in a loveless marriage. One of their children is Ethan... or so Julian thinks. Only, Ethan is (from what appears as obvious) *dum dum dum* Sam Bennett's son! Ethan, played by Travis Shuldt, is the heir to the Crane business and fortune. If Julian found out he wasn't a Crane in blood, he wouldn't inherit anything. He just returned to Harmony from law school in the summer, and is with a young woman named Gwen. Gwen is played by Liza Huber and is just as dense as Ethan in realizing that Theresa is in fact in love with him. Ethan is starting to break through, though. But he always brushes it off. The only person he talks about it to is his aunt, Sheridan. Sheridan, played by McKenzie Westmore, returned from Paris after a love affair with a man who just wanted her for her money. His name was Jean Luc. It turned out that Jean Luc was heavy into the drug business and was killed after Sheridan left France. Now the drug lords are looking for their only witness to their connection with Jean Luc, which would be Sheridan. And who gets assigned to protect her? None other than Luis Lopez-Fitzgerald. We can all tell that she's falling in love with Luis, and even she's been thinking about it. She has this problem, though. Hank Bennett is Luis's best friend, and he's constantly rambling on about how Sheridan and him are going to be an item. She hangs out with him, but we all know she doesn't really like him enough to ever love him.

The Russells

The Russells are shown to the right [l to r: Eve, Whitney, Simone, and TC] The Russells consist of TC - the father, Eve - the mother, and Whitney and Simone - the daughters. TC, played by Rodney Van Johnson, is a coach living his failed Olympic dream through Whitney. Eve, played by Tracey Ross, is a doctor with a crime and sex-filled past, involving Julian Crane. Eve is quite a hypocrite and tries as much as she can to rule her daughters' lives. *coughBITCHahem* She had a son who died right after birth, supposedly, but even Ivy Crane can figure out that it's most likely Chad Harris, who is alive and in love with Whitney. Whitney, played by Brook Kerr, plays tennis and denies her love for Chad. Whitney is Theresa's best friend. Simone, played by Lena Cardwell, is also in love with Chad, but she knows it. She is Kay's best friend. She appears to be somewhat partial to Kay's sister, Jessica, but gets mad when Jessica is mean to Kay. Simone is rarely ever in the family equation that I've seen, except when TC is trying to encourage her to be more like Whitney, or when Eve is forbidding her to see Chad.