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Lobby for Amendment

Lobby for Amendment to the Federal Register

To all those who responded to my petition for us to lobby for an amendment to the Federal Register - the three following downloadable letters are the letters that I have sent. The one for your state representative is blank so you can fill it out for your state representative and send it to them and anyone else you want to petition for a change in the current policy. The Federal Register MUST be changed in order for ALL the states to accept that CAPD is a disability that needs to be recognized and considered under special education. Please realize that I am not an eloquent person and that the letters were written to express my feelings as I realize that they may not express the feelings of everyone in the listserv. PLEASE let me know if you send these letters, I'd love to follow up on this with another letter to the same individuals at a later date. Also included is a copy of the Federal Register itself, available for you to download and look at for yourself. I strongly encourage everyone to do so, it is your right as parents to know the law!

Thank you for taking time to help our children have the educational rights they deserve!

* * * DOWNLOADS * * *

~ Blank letter
~ Letter to Rep. Bill Goodling, Chairman of the House Education & Workforce Committee
~ Letter to Sen. James Jeffords, Chairman of the Senate Health, Education, Labor & Pensions Committee
~ The Federal Register

If you try to download these files and they come back garbled, you need Adobe Acrobat Reader (it's FREE!) (Almost all documents on the web are going to this format, especially government documents so it will be worth your time to download it!)

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