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chinaizzy.jpg (14960 bytes)

stop.gif (2985 bytes)

chinaball.jpg (14540 bytes)


amazing java applet(be patient while the
java applet below loads - the wait is worth the effect)

Sorry, your browser doesn't suppor Java.

We would like to share with you
and introduce you to:

(click on the respective Borzoi head links below)

and the humans they own . . .

P.S. The People Page contains
amazing java applet (be sure to check it out,
and be patient while the java applet loads -
the effect is worth the wait)

Our canine family are gently and lovingly cared for by:
Dr. Donald Sherwood, DVM
Binghamton, New York


/bc/butkowsky/images/janicedogs4.jpg (13108 bytes) /bc/butkowsky/images/rickizzychina.jpg (14168 bytes)

Photos taken July 1998

If you wish to e-mail us:

Thank you for visiting!

This website was designed and created by
Web Master, Janice S. Butkowsky, and will be
forever maintained, updated and continued.

My dogs are my inspiration for this web page.

The Borzoi head links were
designed and created by
Janice S. and Richard Butkowsky
© rjb 1998

All original artwork and photographs are the property of
Janice S. and Richard Butkowsky
© rjb 1998

Please come back again soon!

Woof, Woof, Woof!

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 This Borzoi WebRing site owned by Janice S. Butkowsky.